Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


In Laravel, we must kill source code error mssage ourself when we manage web site.

In Laravel, we must kill source code error mssage ourself when we manage web site. I make sure the folloing: .\xampp\php\php.ini error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED ; error_reporting; Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOT…

How do I hide source code in Laravel? I do't know, do you like laravel? sure.

In Laravel, source code is shown to user when they meet source code trouble. I don't want to type port number or IP, otherwise I would show my security to Users. I think, showing source code mode can be changed. In the case of Microsoft. h…

005 In Laravel, socket works well

I could send message by use of socket in Laravel. I randomly open a class file. .\blog\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession.php ----------------------------- require_once("..\..\..\laravel_src\blog\debug\…

004 Not Laravel but Scoket connection on console on php

Anyway, I could connect to terminal server which I created myself. > .\winmain_server_001.exe \php> php -f .\client_001.php<h2>TCP/IP Connection</h2>OK.Attempting to connect to '' on port '27015'...OK.Sending HTTP HEAD request...OK.Reading…

003 Laravel does not include any sockets but php itself could do it.

Laravel does not include any sockets but php itself could do it. So, on the web site, we could send message more flexible and make application more creative. I agree laravel messages on the following even though it does not support any soc…

002 Laravel does not support any sockets

Laravel does not include any sockets.https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/broadcasting#driver-prerequisites Thanks a lot toenable sockethttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/1361925/how-to-enable-socket-in-php And, I used xamp for instlation of lara…

001 Laravel explanation

wwwStart common commands for creation of web site by use of lalavel. > composer new blog> cd blog> php artisan serve After Instlation of laravel I found the below. ./public/index.php /*|------------------------------…