Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


C Analyzer: We could find the messages.

Level found_007 1 #define - 1 #include - 1 type of primitive like int - 1 typedef - 2 ; semi-colon - 2 : colon - 2 - 2 - Binary Compilation Error: Deferencies of messages.1: https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/c_analyzer…

music: sounds: scale, we can hear.

We try to sound the scale like the below, which should be Major A and the sounds themselve are 1/f all. download: https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/sounds-20210626.zip Please refer to the below for compilation.https://…

music: sounds: Reducing buffer size.

The program sounds well. We need 128 buffer size in this case. I change the base source code for that. .\main.cpp Thu Jun 24 17:42:20 2021 ... 138 :int main(int argc, char** argv) { 139 : 140 : sound_000a = new SoundEffect( sbuffer, 128, 2…

music: sounds-wave: we can say the middle between natural and artifitial in 1/f.

We like their feeling when we listen to their sounds. 1/f we cab say natural. (20210623)All loading memories of piano-keyboards sounds on PC is not possible.At least, we think, so, we preapre 1. Not memories-loading of sounds.2. Memories-l…

3d: which side where you are:

If you were on side of cones, we could catch you. Actually, we try to catch spreading particles in the space. vUtil.cpp Wed Jun 09 18:57:02 2021 1 :#include 2 : 3 :#include "vPoint.h" 4 :#include "vLine.h" 5 :#include "vTriangle.h" 6 :#inc…

sounds: windows-make: displayed a frequent.

A Frequent and On the Frequent: Their power spectral is 1/f.He is a nice person and kind of us but considered natural or not. Sound data is graphed well.We think, the shape of frequency is narrow. sounds frequency download: https://github.…

sounds: windows-make: re-treat the sbuffer.

the program sounds well. github.com main.cpp Thu Jun 03 18:48:13 2021 1 :#include 2 :#include 3 :#include 4 :#include 5 ://#include 6 ://#include 7 : 8 :#include "array_counter.h" 9 :#include "sender.h" 10 :#include "Print.h" 11 : 12 :#inc…