Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


windows-make: 3d: Trace a literature as 180.

We are going to: 1. Trace a literature as 180 on the pixmap. 2. Care about the vPoint as class in C++ and all of codes depend it or C language. struct struct_trace { vPoint candaudae_points; vPoint angle_points; vPoint thick_points; struct…

windows-make: 3d: Linear 0.5 as small should be ...

We are going to draw number as fonts, depending on the reason below. Reanson:Linear for that fexible scale should be calculated. And, that work is very fast if that is small on the display.* - - - - - Normal: - - - margin x 1: - - - Small …

windows-make: cg: pixmap fonts are displayed well or not.

I focused on "320" but the result is "DCA" and broken like slush. And, rect value is right calculated. ...i 498 j 234 <- x 50, y 936 v -50070271i 499 j 234 <- x 51, y 936 v 0i 500 j 234 <- x 52, y 936 v -50070271i 501 j 234 <- x 53, y 936 …

windows-make: WinAPI:Focus on the draw area.

We could balance the program but that is surely ensured as well programmer.Now, easy things are, we can say, hard.* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Red Bar: - - - Focus on the view: - - - Draw Grid: - - - *focus and grid and little focus…

windows-make: WindowsAPI: boxex are well.

Situation1:We could not use a canvas as image.And, so, We checked if the boxex program is well or not. Execution:press 'r' ->Boxex were resqued.And, we are going to draw other boxex again and again. Codec Printed:...int Check_Initialize_Pa…

windows-make: WinAPI: The program could display objects.

The program displayed something but didn't any other on the window. We should code them well as maximum to full any software property anyway. * - source code - - - .\winmainthread_005a_006.cpp File modified time Mon Mar 25 13:34:49 2024 09…

windows-make: WindowsAPI: Displayed error occured.

Displayed error occured. *That reason is, 1. Sub lootin messages like "... starts." or "... ends." are printed[1].2. Screen captured of windows program display the draw sub lootins. *Any lootin means sub lootin itself on windows programmin…

windows-make: WindowsAPI: Draw something impressive and error one.

Debug messages are,...int call_draw_fucus_canvas_buffer_only () starts.mode 4 model_changed 119 p_jackson|004CBA80|int draw_grid () starts.int draw_grid () ends.int call_draw_fucus_canvas_buffer_only () ends.int call_draw_fucus_canvas_buff…

3d: windows-make: jackson structured programming

We settled on the code setson the blelow: Lots of code: 1. bruch_functions_all2. initialize_parameter(); model of cad drawing 1. Circle 2. Parabora parametric3. Scale of models * - - - - - - - - - .\jackson_animation_focus_003.cpp File mod…