Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


formula 3000

so, we forcus on the bold below formula. 1/(a+b) = c/a + d/b c*b/a*b + a*d/a*b = ( c*b + a*d ) / a*b c*b + a*d = C a+b=C*a*b a + b = (c*b + a*d)*a* b the above looks also interesting. abc = 1 ...(1) abd = 1 ...(2) we could replace, bc = 1/…

formula 1

1/(a+b) = c/a + d/b a/(a+b) = c + d*a/b a= bc + ad ... (1) a+b = b ...(2) b or c equals 0 I hope c = 0 ... and don't know that. The above formula doesn't succeed. Because 1/2 = 2/4 But, it looks interesting. At least, 1/(a+b) = C*(c/a + d/…

Specification: : Calling Process not any other rules

Windows thread has already dispatched event Lootin, so, I hasn't created thread or any othre process loop, but has just implemented and called Procees. s////void wButtonController::Process () { switch ( this->event->uMsg ) { case WM_CREATE…

3D: Intersection inside triangle or not


I'll give you the information of the below. information: intersection pi, p2, p3 are points which a triangle has. To be inside triangle for intersection equals having same square. A = Square ( p1 - intersection, p2 - intersection, p3 - int…

Specification: How do I kick button?

How do I kick button? 1. Define triger.2. Press a button shortcut.3. Flag triger in after 2(means in the lootin of 2).4. Send the triger to ButtonController Process needs :1. Initializetion2. then 1, Lootin of Process3. Dispose in WindowsA…

半導体と半導体製造装置と基盤レイアウト :001

本当は、エミュレータに、たとえゲーム機だったとしても、可能性を感じます。 javaのループ処理で、C言語よりも早い結果が得られる時があるのは、パイプラインによる、オーダーの入れ替えの恩恵です(OSのメモリ管理もあると思います)。 ソフト屋さんが、新…

3D: Beautiful solution


on the Screen ( x, y ). x = cross ( u , intersection -C )y = cross ( v , intersection -C ) u and v have been caluculated once from U and V on the screen. So, we could be assited in loop in computer when we use it. https://waitrudweber.hate…

3D: Solving fomura :


Gvie you infomation the below. C : CenterU : you could freely write in 3-D.V : you could freely write in 3-D. Youd could solve the local axes from the above.u = normal(U) : normal vector of U.v = normal(V) : normal vector of V.w = cross( u…

Specification : winmain_001.exe

ButtonController : 1. can draw on screen. 2. can change selected button.Appendix: 3. can use short cut. I added lootin anyway wwButtonController.cpp and wButto, which becomes to have a lootin main process can kick. // wButtonController.cpp…


シリコン・ウェーハ―上で、数学的考えが実現するというものに、自身の考えが使われるなら、それは光栄なことです。 世界の主流の汎用PCの販売に、日本の高い技術の半導体製造装置を輸出するかどうかという問題と、特許企画の問題もあるという事だけは、知っ…

3D: On the Screen


Set C, U, and V after calculation of Intersection. And you could know local coordinates even though screen is rotated, which is convertion global position to on the screen. https://waitrudweber.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/01/15/202926 https:…

3D: Local axes


Gvie you infomation the below. C : CenterU : you could freely write in 3-D.V : you could freely write in 3-D. Youd could solve the local axes from the above.u = normal(U) : normal vector of U.v = normal(V) : normal vector of V.w = cross( u…

Garbage Collection

Garbage Collection Basically, We use malloc inside scope like function and then free memories like the following: void Scope(){ char* dummu; dummy = malloc ( sizeof(char)* 10 ); free(dummy);} sub lootin has usually sub lootin.on the follow…

Specification of :va_arg( *p_ap, char* );

We must care about printf("%c", c);c means natually "char c;" char* vc;char* vs;vs = va_arg( *p_ap, char* );// Not: vc = va_arg( *p_ap, char ); And program executed very smooth if you use malloc to print something to memories. The fllowing…

Copy and Paste 005: which clipboard is available?

Application doesn't know which type of clipboard when string is pastef. So, I checked which type of it before pasting. Download: https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/winmain-20190111.zip 1. execute winmain_001.exe.2. copy…

Copy and Paste 003 :Problem

https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/winmain-20190109.ziphttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/dataxchg/using-the-clipboard .\winmain_001.exe 1. Press Ctl+C in Explore with Selected file. 2. Press Ctl and then …

012 Not any other sockets in Laravel

https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/broadcasting#introduction Do not wonder that Laravel socket means on the following: 1. Only over a Web socket. 2. Only between your server-side code and your client-side JavaScript application. siurely on the f…

011 Combination of PHP Perser

My program became statble to get file names.They suits PHP Perser. I'm pleasure if you download the below.https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/php_20190106.zip Please reffer to the below for compilation.https://waitrudweb…

010 Redesign directory search.

Allocation of char_string is very important.I could easily controll keep filename when I used copyof. // list_directory.cpp//////////char* FileControler::copyof ( char* str ) { int ac = array_count(str); char* mem = (char*)malloc( sizeof(c…

009 To analyze Laravel I created php-analizer

I created directory search on windows which is very important file convertion(reffer to last article: https://waitrudweber.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/01/01/010509 ). I'm pleasure if you download the below. https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/so…

008 To analyze Laravel I created php-analizer

Now thre is the code which is "ClassLoader.php" and one of Laravel libraries. I created php-analizer. >. .\php_analyzer.exe .\ClassLoader.php You could find \ClassLoader.php_tmp.php in the same folder. I'm pleasure if you download the belo…