Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


Language Support: Windows-make: Reading Files: UTF-16( Unicode ): As your Language:

(20200630: execution or displayed error?)j:1 we recgnised |end_line + (| and lines[1] printed just end_line: we've already realised today. 1. we think the reason we put '\0' to the lines array.2. however, we realised in 2nd printing-loop, …

Language Support: Windows-make: Reading Files: UTF-16( Unicode ): As your Language:

(20200629: execution or displayed error?)We could belive a little more execution before:First, we doubt exetution error:Displayed error: --- loop start i: 0: loop end i: 0: - |-| loop start i: 1: loop end i: 1: - |--| loop start i: 2: loop…

Language Support: Windows-make: Reading Files: UTF-16( Unicode ): As your Language:

We think, we simply read first as character in textfile and everybody has the problem about their language support next.UTF-16, we could read, in C, we could say, that is very difficult always.Someone chages the specification so often. If …

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memorization problem: Sometimes, we can display it.: Flashing still:

Objects flashing still on the windows thread. We've already known the solution of it, which is prepared other window which is message lines better. Printing end messages on that window, we could see the objecst not flashing because sycroni…

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memorization problem: Sometimes, we can display it.

On the source code, we could solve it. Sometimes, screen param are unset. Sometimes, screen param are set on the same source code. --- ---

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memorization problem: The reason we don't display is different.

---We inspect drawing the box, by use of Debugger.The reason, we don't display, is different.We ensured the below memorization:---eye = {x=-252.431595 y=252.431595 z=-660.513672 }1: ll_2D = 0x00ae7178 {p1=0x00ae3da8 {x=144.246140 y=315.105…

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memorization problem: vScreen and up: vScreen was a pointer:

// ADD: 20200611: // ADD: 20200611: if (screen == nullptr) return;if we allocate screen, we never reallocate it anymore, and we search take out the places all.Setting eye now, is the below.eye = {x=-151.458954 y=151.458954 z=-396.308197 }w…

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem: Converting and memorization in 2D on the screen.

Just Convert not memorization in 2D on the screen. Solution of it give you more flexible interfaces like spin. --- Keep 3D-Lines before call to_screen_line: Data Structure 1. 3D-Line 2. 2D-Line on the screen And so, you can spin and have a…

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem: Perspective View:

More close to the Center, and cutting line disapeared. --- ---

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem: more close and other parts:

We more close focus on the Box and then, the other parts was cut, we could see.Position of eye wasfrom (1000, 1000, -1000) to (800, 800, -800). --- ---

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem: the reason the box cut at the center:

if we have a box, in the box a line goes straight from its cornters to other corners. the prgram has a curtain object and a box in it belogs to a side line, so we think, the object were centered. --- point_intersection = 0x0043e188 {x=834.…

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem: book of edge of box:

We'd rather love to draw the box once, before any other objects because box program is necesarily in drawing on the screen for faster calculation. ---- (20200608: )curtain->box->Center = {x=-35.8818359 y=10.0000000 z=-240.000000 }0x00459b2…

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: Analyze_C: Care about Area:

--- Analyzation C-Lanuage, we must care about the areas on the following. --- type function_name start_brace_of_function_parameter parameter_area end_brace_of_function_parameter void create_screen_parameter ( float a, int*result ) ---

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem:

To Check if the focus on the object is good. --- --- (2020605) Calculation Box : void calculation_box_orralis( vPointLinear* pCurveLines ); Separation of Calculation to the screen: From: int dDisplayControls_wmpaint_display_threeD_proc_OnR…

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem: requirement of Center of Objects;

1. main pointWe necesarlily require eyes from where to looking-at-postion: 1-1. sub pointSolution:We prepare box of Objects and calculate it which is including Objects edges all. --- ---

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem: ScreenController does well and displayed at 20190627.

--- .\wButtonController.cpp Fri Jun 05 13:18:24 2020 134 : 135 :// it doesn't work and throuh here: 20191112 136 :// 137 :// 138 :void wButtonController::initialize( int m ) { 139 : 140 : printf("initialize %d\r\n", this->CursolNumber); 14…

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem:

(20200602: )1. If you call the "Key Board Event",2. If you call the "Mouse Event", And them, you must call "WM_PAINT: Paint Process" once. We parepare the flags of 1 and 2,And, In 1 and 2 we stand the falgas,And then, we (*1) the flags. * …

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem: Ensured Calculation on the windows thread:

(20200602: ) And we have to think about WM_PAINT closed: (20200602: ) --- int v3dCalculation::calculation_thread () ; --- .\wKickEventDisplayThreeD.cpp Tue Jun 02 12:51:44 2020 1 :#include 2 :#include 3 : 4 :#include "wKickEvent.h" 5 :#inc…

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: How do we face memories problem:

We could call kickSomethingEvent as we are confident of event calling like button action: --- --- .\wButton.cpp Mon Jun 01 15:45:02 2020 210 :// 211 ://( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) 212 :// 213 :// added 20190118 2…