Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


3D: Use not new but malloc for allocation.

3D: Use not new but malloc for allocation if you would like array. And double * is going to be one of your habitats. .\001-display_threeD.cpp 1 :#include 2 :#include 3 :#include 4 : 5 :#include 6 :#include 7 : 8 :#include "array_counter.h"…

3d: : Print Symbols : Screen doesn't work half.

x1 and z2 shares p1. the above is the reason why x1 was not displayed. in windows programming, 1. Use malloc. 2 Keep the memories of 1. 390 ://391 :// lines :392 :// lines_2D :393 :// lines_patches_2D :394 :// lines_patches :395 ://396 :in…

Thinking of Model: Stages

The given diagram outlines stages involved in the production of softwares. 1.Write briefly whtat you would like to do. Mechanical pencil - Wikipedia The given diagram outlines stages involved in the production of softwares. 1.Write briefly…

3D: Print symbol 002

564 :// Very Thanks to: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?P=328647&seqNum=3 ... 688 :// customized from GamePaint_009689 ://690 ://691 ://692 ://693 :void GamePaint_011(HDC hDC, vLine* line ) {694 :695 : int scale_2 = 30;696 : …

3D: Print symbol

The program can display symbol. // // // 91 :int display_threeD_initialize () { 92 : vPoint eye; 93 : char *p_cc; 94 : 95 : if ( call_once_display_threeD_initialize == 0 ) { 96 : call_once_display_threeD_initialize = 1; 97 : } else { 98 : …

3d: vLine could be memoried.

vLine could be memoried, and option -mwindows cound not make binary print. .\main.cpp 1 :#include <stdio.h> 2 :#include <stdlib.h> 3 : 4 :#include "vPoint.h" 5 :#include "vLine.h" 6 : 7 : 8 :int main ( int argc, char** argv ) { 9 : vLine** lines = nullptr; 1</stdlib.h></stdio.h>…

3d: Print symbol Before confirmation.

vLine has c1 which can be printed on the screen. Program can not draw well, which is usually because we try to print before initialization. symbol in British 3. a letter, figure, or sign used in mathematics, science, music, etc, to represe…

3d: Curve 002: Thinking of Basic Line

parabolic in British 1 (ˌpærəˈbɒlɪk ) adjective 1. of, relating to, or shaped like a parabola 2. shaped like a paraboloid https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/parabolic

3d: Curve 001: Thinking of Basic Line


I think, basic Curve is llike the above. Curve = Straight-Line elements + Curve-Line elements.