Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

windows-make: WindowsAPI: boxex are well.

We could not use a canvas as image.
And, so, We checked if the boxex program is well or not.

press 'r' ->
Boxex were resqued.
And, we are going to draw other boxex again and again.


Codec Printed:
int Check_Initialize_Param () returns as 1.
debug_ppm[14] 0
int initialize_canvas () starts.
int initialize_canvas () ends.
press r ends.
WM_KEYUP=uMsg=257 flg_paint=1 wParam 82 lParam -1072496639
int paint_wm_006 () DRAW_PARAM 17152 start.
int first_process () starts.
int first_process () ends.
int wm_paint_006_canvas_001 () starts.
Canvas were drew and executed on the above.
fc start x 0 start y 0 font_width 640 font_height 55
nf start x 640 start y 882 font_width 640 font_height 55
i 000 start x 0 start y 0 font_width 64 font_height 55
i 001 start x 64 start y 64 font_width 64 font_height 55
i 002 start x 128 start y 128 font_width 64 font_height 55
i 003 start x 192 start y 192 font_width 64 font_height 55
i 004 start x 256 start y 256 font_width 64 font_height 55
i 005 start x 320 start y 320 font_width 64 font_height 55
i 006 start x 384 start y 384 font_width 64 font_height 55
i 007 start x 448 start y 448 font_width 64 font_height 55
i 008 start x 512 start y 512 font_width 64 font_height 55
i 009 start x 576 start y 576 font_width 64 font_height 55
int wm_paint_006_canvas_001 () ends.
WM_PAINT=uMsg=15 flg_paint=1 hDC 117509032 DRAW_PARAM 17152
int paint_wm_006 () DRAW_PARAM 17152 b_Processed 2 ends.
WM_PAINT=uMsg=15 flg_paint=1 hDC 117509032 DRAW_PARAM 17152
WM_MOUSEMOVE=uMsg=512 flg_paint=1 DRAW_PARAM=17152

int set_fonts_param_frm_rect_values (int *fonts_width, int *fonts_height, int *fonts_start_x, int *fonts_start_y ) ;


