Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


windows-make: 3d: Linear 0.5 as small should be ...

We are going to draw number as fonts, depending on the reason below. Reanson:Linear for that fexible scale should be calculated. And, that work is very fast if that is small on the display.* - - - - - Normal: - - - margin x 1: - - - Small …

windows-make: cg: pixmap fonts are displayed well or not.

I focused on "320" but the result is "DCA" and broken like slush. And, rect value is right calculated. ...i 498 j 234 <- x 50, y 936 v -50070271i 499 j 234 <- x 51, y 936 v 0i 500 j 234 <- x 52, y 936 v -50070271i 501 j 234 <- x 53, y 936 …

windows-make: WindowsAPI: boxex are well.

Situation1:We could not use a canvas as image.And, so, We checked if the boxex program is well or not. Execution:press 'r' ->Boxex were resqued.And, we are going to draw other boxex again and again. Codec Printed:...int Check_Initialize_Pa…

windows-make: WinAPI: The program could display objects.

The program displayed something but didn't any other on the window. We should code them well as maximum to full any software property anyway. * - source code - - - .\winmainthread_005a_006.cpp File modified time Mon Mar 25 13:34:49 2024 09…

windows-make: WindowsAPI: Displayed error occured.

Displayed error occured. *That reason is, 1. Sub lootin messages like "... starts." or "... ends." are printed[1].2. Screen captured of windows program display the draw sub lootins. *Any lootin means sub lootin itself on windows programmin…

windows-make: WindowsAPI: Draw something impressive and error one.

Debug messages are,...int call_draw_fucus_canvas_buffer_only () starts.mode 4 model_changed 119 p_jackson|004CBA80|int draw_grid () starts.int draw_grid () ends.int call_draw_fucus_canvas_buffer_only () ends.int call_draw_fucus_canvas_buff…

windows-make: Memorization:

At the least,for the ensure of memorries work, We care of it, that is on short scope as function. And, our mistakes are going to be reduced. * - width height char*** o - char** - o char* - - - - - - - - - - - *source code - - - - read_csv_…

windows-make: Settle all drawing functions...

**Their values should be displayed and changed with keyboard operation. *parameters and functions value - - bErase true or not RefreshRect rect back ground mairgin rect a small band rect ... fonts ... SetPixel poisson SetPixel wave ****** …

windows-make: a small band and cursol

* - objects invalidate area keyup animation - 1 2 3 rect15, rect 17 rect 17(on a little band) (v) (v) 4 rect15, rect 17 rect 17(on a little band)- (-) (v) - * All cases with cursol invalidated area will be a on a band area. *invalidate cur…

windows-make: Once, invalidate even a small cursol...

We paint the objects with begin paint and end paint. Once, invalidate even a small cursol, all objects will be disapeared. We can draw the wave cursol as like, * - paint (drawing) keyup ani-thread keyup thread - 1 rect 15 (v) (-) no no ani…

sound: windows-make: audio end-points.

They call the list of something kind of devices "Endpoints". * - - - - - - - - - HRESULT EnumAudioEndpoints( [in] EDataFlow dataFlow, [in] DWORD dwStateMask, [out] IMMDeviceCollection **ppDevices); - - - - - - - hr = pDevEnum->EnumAudioEnd…

3d: windows-make:

* - check_invalidate main check_validate main wTextareaController local wTextarea local - - animation_times_001 - - - - - - wm_paint 0 0 0 0 - - wm_mousemove 0 0 1 - - - setp1: Set params 1 0 0 0 - - step2: BeginPaint - 0 0 0 - - - - - - -…

WindowsAPI: windows-make: wTextarea:

I could print a little number like buffer value, I used the wTextarea when I created them before. * - - - - - .\param_synse_001.cpp File changed time Mon Feb 27 15:23:39 2023 1 :#include <tchar.h> 2 :#include <windows.h> 3 :#include <windowsx.h> 4 :#include <stdio.h> 5 :#include <stdlib.h></stdlib.h></stdio.h></windowsx.h></windows.h></tchar.h>…

WindowsAPI: windows-make: file_info

fiIt printed the number which might be wrong and it doesn't matter if that is Initialization. To take time of files, I used the collection of MinGW after I failed to creationtime as windowsapi, which is actually a matter. * - - - - - - > .…

windows-make: 3d: About function entity, which is numbered.

// x(void*) func_entity = NULL;void *func_entity = NULL; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - URL:URL: *

sounds: windows-make: Microsoft LIST:

We can create LIST in a wave file. 52 49 46 46 FF FF FF FF 57 41 56 45 4C 49 53 54 FF FF FF FF 57 41 56 45:RIFFWAVELISTWAVE: LPMMCKINFO:MMCKINFO: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/mmiscapi/ns-mmiscapi-mmckinfo typ…

sounds: windows-make: The program is compiled well and does not open the device in source code files but does it in a header file.

*The program is compiled well and does not open the device in source code files but does it in a header file. wavewriter.cpp Sat Sep 17 15:45:43 2022 1 :#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers 2 :// Wi…

3d: windows-make:

On the previous compilation, the resource is going to create its execution well. * 1 https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/axex-20220622.zip - -

3d: windows-make: We might think, error is included.

*Axex is not prepared, which could be. bones_001 print 7 ends.bones_001 print 8 starts.p|004470E0|( 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)bones_001 print 8 ends.bones_001 print 9 starts.p|004470EC|( 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)bones_001 print 9 en…

sounds: windows-make: sounds recording in windowsapi.

We can use a mic device with buffer memoried on windows. --- execution 001 ---Mon Jun 06 19:44:37 202 record_002 starts.Mon Jun 06 19:44:37 202 waveInOpen:Mon Jun 06 19:44:37 202 waveInPrepareHeader: 0 / 5 / 6 / 7Mon Jun 06 19:44:38 202 wa…

windows-make: Sounds Programming:

Recording procedure is like the below. --- execution 001 ---> .\winmain_001.exeSat Jun 04 15:34:56 202 record_002 starts.Sat Jun 04 15:34:56 202 waveInOpen:Sat Jun 04 15:34:56 202 waveInPrepareHeader:Sat Jun 04 15:34:56 202 waveInAddBuffer…

3d: windows-make: One of wave ways is an Integral.

1 en.wikipedia.org - - 2 3 4 1 - - 2 3 4 -

3d: windows-make: Create Scheme for no mistake by using replace function.

We'd rather love to create useful replace keywords well for our scheme before the coding in windows api and anyother languages. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *

3d: windows-make: any other tactics.

* Create Animation_Thread and validate the part of animation. * - check_invalidate check_validate - - - 1 - Animation_Thread 1. Something changed. 2. Draw 1. 3.Sleep(1000);. - 2 WM_KEYUP: main_thread - 3 4 5

3d: windows-make: invalidate after keyup.

After invalidate, it called a main_thread as WM_KEYUP.---p_evt->wParam: 80 p_evt->lParam: -1072103423p_evt->main_mode=25WM_MESSG 003: p_evt 00000019 4046896 (p_evt->main_mode):257 *(p_evt->uMsg):257 uMsg:257 p_evt->uMsg: 2686208 &uMsg: 268…

3d: windows-make: WindowsAPI: Conformation and remove, which is in the same area.

Conformation and remove, which is in the same area. ValidateRect:... validates the client area within a rectangle ... https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-validaterect [in] lpRect... is NULL, the entire cli…

3d: windows-make: WindowsAPI: We can use the Invalidate in the WM_PAINT.

We can use the Invalidate in the WM_PAINT. - call Invalidate flag after invalidate no - - - - WM_PAINT check_invalidate=1; WM_PAINT 1 - WM_KEYUP check_invalidate=1; WM_PAINT 2 - 3 WM_KEYUP check_invalidate=1; WM_PAINT 4 -> WM_PAINT check_i…

3d:windows-make: Using Microphone.

I placed the kind of dll for the microphone in the program folder. - compilation execute vfwwdm32.dll -lvfw32 o (nothing) -lvfw32 o -lvfwwdm x -lvfwwdm32 x -lvfw x * The include in the source code is #include <vfw.h>. (20210112) C:\MinGW\include\</vfw.h>…

3d: windows-make: Print the circulation from kind of classes

We could print the schema for the purpose.Like from 10 to 1, We could share the classes as ring. int print_function_002 ( int i ) starts.#ifndef _WORK_010_H_#define _WORK_010_H_class WORK_010 { public: WORK_001 *iWORK_010=nullptr; public: …

3d: windows-make: Print Working thread which is a class

We'd rather like to depend on the able to print the scheme.Wroking classes should be shared as connected in any program. int print_function_002 ( int i ) starts. #ifndef _WORK_000_H_ #define _WORK_000_H_ class WORK_000 { public: WORK_001 *…