Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


sound: windows-make: audio end-points.

They call the list of something kind of devices "Endpoints". * - - - - - - - - - HRESULT EnumAudioEndpoints( [in] EDataFlow dataFlow, [in] DWORD dwStateMask, [out] IMMDeviceCollection **ppDevices); - - - - - - - hr = pDevEnum->EnumAudioEnd…

3d: windows-make:

* - check_invalidate main check_validate main wTextareaController local wTextarea local - - animation_times_001 - - - - - - wm_paint 0 0 0 0 - - wm_mousemove 0 0 1 - - - setp1: Set params 1 0 0 0 - - step2: BeginPaint - 0 0 0 - - - - - - -…

sounds: windows-make: Microsoft LIST:

We can create LIST in a wave file. 52 49 46 46 FF FF FF FF 57 41 56 45 4C 49 53 54 FF FF FF FF 57 41 56 45:RIFFWAVELISTWAVE: LPMMCKINFO:MMCKINFO: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/mmiscapi/ns-mmiscapi-mmckinfo typ…

Sounds: windows-make: Open the wave as format.

data: thunder.wav52 49 46 46 98 80 04 00 57 41 56 45 66 6D 74 20 10 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 44 AC 00 00 88 58 01 00 02 00 10 00 64 61 74 61 74 | 80 04 00 00 | 00 B0 FF 5D FF 18 FF F2 FE F2 FE 17 FF 57 FF 9F FF DD FF 00 00 00 00 DC FF A0 FF 5B…

sounds: windows-make: Microsoft RIFF:

We can use the parameter and write the buffer in the file so that we could not use the audio file api but we use the audio format supported by microsoft because for the recoding, we use the microsoft format audio as a touch file cashed in …

sounds: windows-make: Add the part of sounds devise in a header file.

1: add a write devise open for the write of a wave file. if ((hFile = mmioOpen(".\\SAMPLE1.WAV", NULL, MMIO_WRITE)) != NULL) { // File opened successfully. MessageBox(hwndApp, "Failed to read data chunk.", NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)…

sounds: windows-make: The program is compiled well and does not open the device in source code files but does it in a header file.

*The program is compiled well and does not open the device in source code files but does it in a header file. wavewriter.cpp Sat Sep 17 15:45:43 2022 1 :#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers 2 :// Wi…

sounds: windows-make: We could save the wave file.

1: Grep fwrite:2: Code here on the text:3: Revisement the parameters: 1: Grep fwrite:C:\Users\Beneton\Documents\source\sounds\display-20220830 fwrite( copyof((char*)"\r\n"), sizeof(char), 2, wfp); fwrite( filename, sizeof(char), ac, wfp); …

sounds: windows-make: 001: fread 255:

We can read and print the buffer as number 255. .\Main.cpp Thu Sep 15 22:37:59 2022 1 :#include 2 :#include 3 :#include 4 :#include 5 : 6 :#include 7 : 8 :#include 9 : 10 :int main( int argc, char** argv ) { 11 : int i; 12 : FILE *rfp, *wf…

sounds: Print the file and the file pointer doesn't move.

Error:1: Compilation Error: https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/wavefile_20220815-001.zip 2:3:4:5: *We are going to struggle with the sounds effects by overcomming the hardness. * 1: Open the wav file.2: Create the wav f…

sounds: windows-make: sounds recording in windowsapi.

We can use a mic device with buffer memoried on windows. --- execution 001 ---Mon Jun 06 19:44:37 202 record_002 starts.Mon Jun 06 19:44:37 202 waveInOpen:Mon Jun 06 19:44:37 202 waveInPrepareHeader: 0 / 5 / 6 / 7Mon Jun 06 19:44:38 202 wa…

windows-make: Sounds Programming:

Recording procedure is like the below. --- execution 001 ---> .\winmain_001.exeSat Jun 04 15:34:56 202 record_002 starts.Sat Jun 04 15:34:56 202 waveInOpen:Sat Jun 04 15:34:56 202 waveInPrepareHeader:Sat Jun 04 15:34:56 202 waveInAddBuffer…

3d:windows-make: Using Microphone.

I placed the kind of dll for the microphone in the program folder. - compilation execute vfwwdm32.dll -lvfw32 o (nothing) -lvfw32 o -lvfwwdm x -lvfwwdm32 x -lvfw x * The include in the source code is #include <vfw.h>. (20210112) C:\MinGW\include\</vfw.h>…

3d: windows-make: Print Working thread which is a class

We'd rather like to depend on the able to print the scheme.Wroking classes should be shared as connected in any program. int print_function_002 ( int i ) starts. #ifndef _WORK_000_H_ #define _WORK_000_H_ class WORK_000 { public: WORK_001 *…

3d: sound: windows-make: with mmcompilation we can test by use uf debug_console.

It doesn't work well. And we'd rather love to use more "printf" without mmcompilation only for the sound.url: https://waitrudweber.hatenablog.com/entry/2021/08/13/220225download: https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/displ…

sounds: the reason is different but their parameter are as same as each other.

If you have 3 speakers, you use 3 sounds devices.Base wave1 sounds and you should solve wave2 and wave3 as A.I.0 = wave1 + wave2 + wave3 (1) If you'd rather love to multiple wave2*wave3, you would have the elements of i*i confirmed even as…

music: windows-make: we can have more sounds effects amd affections.

Situation: There is a sound in the room. 1. Power1 = b * sine ( a* 2 * PI + t ); If we can have the system of growing parameters which are a, b, t. And for what is your feeling and body. And, If we have two sounds model, we can define the …

music: windows-make: WindowsAPI: buffer is already created.

Situation:1. If we have the other frequent, we can have the tone wave which we set as number(A->B->C->D->E->F->G).2. We'd rather love to create a sine curve or mixing buffer because we've already known and created that base buffer in 1. *1…

3d: music: WindowsAPI: windows-make: it sounds wave files well.

We can put the sound-lootin in cg_schema.We can sound the wave file in this interface. download: (image) if you press "b", it sounds well. Debug console is necessary for this compilation with wimm.dll. (20210727)Creating a system wave is v…

music: sounds: scale, we can hear.

We try to sound the scale like the below, which should be Major A and the sounds themselve are 1/f all. download: https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/sounds-20210626.zip Please refer to the below for compilation.https://…

music: sounds-wave: we can say the middle between natural and artifitial in 1/f.

We like their feeling when we listen to their sounds. 1/f we cab say natural. (20210623)All loading memories of piano-keyboards sounds on PC is not possible.At least, we think, so, we preapre 1. Not memories-loading of sounds.2. Memories-l…

sounds: windows-make: displayed a frequent.

A Frequent and On the Frequent: Their power spectral is 1/f.He is a nice person and kind of us but considered natural or not. Sound data is graphed well.We think, the shape of frequency is narrow. sounds frequency download: https://github.…

sounds: windows-make: re-treat the sbuffer.

the program sounds well. github.com main.cpp Thu Jun 03 18:48:13 2021 1 :#include 2 :#include 3 :#include 4 :#include 5 ://#include 6 ://#include 7 : 8 :#include "array_counter.h" 9 :#include "sender.h" 10 :#include "Print.h" 11 : 12 :#inc…

sounds: windows-make: sounds universe :D

1 https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/sounds-20210601.zip :D 2 sounds: calculation of half tone in the level of helz. https://waitrudweber.hatenablog.com/entry/2021/05/31/064721 3 sounds: windows-make: Sequence of synthe…

sounds: calculation of half tone in the level of helz.

We think we should hear A,A#,B and C like step by half.main.cpp Mon May 31 06:43:29 2021 1 :#include 2 :#include 3 :#include 4 :#include 5 ://#include 6 ://#include 7 : 8 :#include "array_counter.h" 9 :#include "sender.h" 10 :#include "Pri…

sounds: windows-make: Sequence of synthesizer.

Now we are going to create synthesizer. 1, Create the Seqence on the memories. The Seqence is going as scalar and increasing and returns to fist number like 0.01234 Sequence number.1. total2. divided seconds on a frame. 1/60 = (1 second) c…

Analyzer: windows-make: music-keyboard layout, we prepared.

25 piano keyboard We prepared music-keyboard.wButtonControler was customized, next we are going to prepare wPianoContoroler. Record sequence and synthesizer: 1. if you press keyboard, ... 2. if you press repeat 1, ... 1 A 440hz Sine Wave A…

sounds: windows-make: bad allocation:

1 bad allocation for sounds program. https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/display-20210513-001.zip static allocation solves the above well and windows-thread is very speedy. And we can solve printf messages problem with c…

sounds : windows-make: How the sound change and you can feel it.

And we consider music codes as the number of Helz written like "6000". Sine-curve expplains as 2 of arrays. .\main.cpp Fri May 07 11:25:48 2021 ... 25 :// Very Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19894384/simple-sounds-in-c?newre…

sounds: windows-make: we need array graph.

I don't think. in sin fucntion, the pow. we use, is sutable to control waves but thank them very much. Actually, we can control just change param of nSamplesPerSec only. 1. If you use pow in sin, the some curve is going like ...2. If you t…