Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


sounds: the reason is different but their parameter are as same as each other.

If you have 3 speakers, you use 3 sounds devices.Base wave1 sounds and you should solve wave2 and wave3 as A.I.0 = wave1 + wave2 + wave3 (1) If you'd rather love to multiple wave2*wave3, you would have the elements of i*i confirmed even as…

3d: windows-make: WindowsAPI: memorization well and display of 3 axes.

Buffer indexes are wrong, I'm sorry for that.Anyway, I also change the axes buffer array to the fixed one. 3 axes is displayed well. int nDisplayControls_wmpaint_display_threeD_proc ( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, PAINTSTRUCT* ps, UINT uMsg, WPARAM …

3d: windows-make: WindowsAPI: memorization well and display of 3 axes.

Memorization is solved if we use the fixed memories array of classes.And something wrong happened as calculation of axes for their display. an axes is wrong displayed. *axex -> axes