Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


In Laravel, we must kill source code error mssage ourself when we manage web site.

In Laravel, we must kill source code error mssage ourself when we manage web site. I make sure the folloing: .\xampp\php\php.ini error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED ; error_reporting; Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOT…

How do I hide source code in Laravel? I do't know, do you like laravel? sure.

In Laravel, source code is shown to user when they meet source code trouble. I don't want to type port number or IP, otherwise I would show my security to Users. I think, showing source code mode can be changed. In the case of Microsoft. h…

005 In Laravel, socket works well

I could send message by use of socket in Laravel. I randomly open a class file. .\blog\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession.php ----------------------------- require_once("..\..\..\laravel_src\blog\debug\…

004 Not Laravel but Scoket connection on console on php

Anyway, I could connect to terminal server which I created myself. > .\winmain_server_001.exe \php> php -f .\client_001.php<h2>TCP/IP Connection</h2>OK.Attempting to connect to '' on port '27015'...OK.Sending HTTP HEAD request...OK.Reading…

003 Laravel does not include any sockets but php itself could do it.

Laravel does not include any sockets but php itself could do it. So, on the web site, we could send message more flexible and make application more creative. I agree laravel messages on the following even though it does not support any soc…

002 Laravel does not support any sockets

Laravel does not include any sockets.https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/broadcasting#driver-prerequisites Thanks a lot toenable sockethttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/1361925/how-to-enable-socket-in-php And, I used xamp for instlation of lara…

001 Laravel explanation

wwwStart common commands for creation of web site by use of lalavel. > composer new blog> cd blog> php artisan serve After Instlation of laravel I found the below. ./public/index.php /*|------------------------------…

Debug Console

Using Windows compiler, we could hardly print console with option "-lwindows".So, we created sockets console by use of Windows API. We found convinient sources and compiled, which is the below. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20303583/…

Socket Programming

Using Windows compiler, we coud hardly print console with option "-lwindows".So, we need worstly to prepare sockets console for debugging. We found convinient sources and compiled, which is the below. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20…

Copy and Paste 002

1. Copy something text in any window. 2.Select the mainwindow of winmain_001.exe. 3.Press Ctl. 4.Press v, so you could paste on the main window. I'm pleasure if you download the below.https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/…

Copy and Paste 001

// 20180924 I could use clip board inside main windows procedure not other callback function.We would use copy and paste only using keyboard. In this case, copy something on windows and then execute winmain_001.exe. You could see something…

ray trace of triangle


20180703 depth is scalar.ray is normal vector.eye is cordinate.intersection is also coordinate and the cross-section between triangle( P1, P2, P3 ) and expanded ray.the meaning of coordinate and vector are different but they have same type…



the area between 2 vectors is | a x b |.we could square the area on the following fomura. ( a dot b ) = | a | | b | cos( theta ) ( 1, 0, 0 ) x ( 0, 0, 1 ) = ( 0, 1, 0 ) means at least ( ?, x1*z2, ? ).( 0, 0, 1 ) x ( 1, 0, 0 ) = ( 0, -1, 0 …

Playing House 001

I defined the Playing House on the following. a Plaing House A1. Can have Playing Houses. A2. Can have Messages. A3. Can have Lootin. So, a Playing House could B1. Use any Playing Houses by A3. B2. Analyze Messages by A3. and would B3. wou…

Proposal 010

1. Choose Something word.2. Type word.3. If you type esc, the screen to main menu. I'm pleasure if you download the below.https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/winmain-20180525.zip Plese reffer to the below for compilation…

Proposal 009

// 20180521We must use WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP if we want to add the cotrols of arrows on keyboard to software keys.You can use the below if you have comon sense. I'm pleasure if you download the below.https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/sourc…

Proposal 008

// 20180519I've created ButtonControler and we can not mouse-click but use keyboard select.Please compile the below and push keyboard if you don mind. https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/winmain-20180519.zip Plese reffer…

Proposal 007

This is the proof, after you push any keyboard, "WINAPI _tWinMain" is called. https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/20180517.zip I created button controller in WM_CREATE in Wnd_Prc which is the main window procedure, but i…

Proposal 006

By gnu compiler, sprintf does not work too but atoi could work.I could, 1. display button.2. get keyboard input. so, I would control software with keyboard. I pushed "l" on the keyboard. I'm pleasure if you download the below.https://githu…

Proposal 005

Keyboard Input works well in visual studio."swprintf" which can be compiled did not work.I did not use hook but WM_CHAR in windows procedure. switch (message) { case WM_CHAR: // for debug. the below could pick up the event when I pushed ke…

Proposal 004

I could not use keyboard hook on the windows API using migwc++ compiler.I'm sure that I did not make the mistake of that coding. So, I required any other reasons of that problem, and tried to code using visual studio but still could not so…

Proporsal 003

In java swing source code, button needs size and message.In the following way, the message is "Click Me..". https://beginnersbook.com/2015/07/swing-jbutton-class/ Anyway, compiler can recognize Class of C++.So, I created it like the button…

Proposal 002

Usually, buttons are constructed with a rectangle and a message.So, I drew them.Next we could draw a button even when we would like to use button. ----------------- button.h --------------------#include <tchar.h>#include <Windows.h>#include <windowsx.h> #include "button.</windowsx.h></windows.h></tchar.h>…

Proposal 001

Design means 1. Drawing art 1-1 Drawing shapes 1-2 Drawing font (which is basically important for sending infomation. we usually click buttons which have font on the software.) The art has the role which sends message to software users and…

Windows make 000

The file systems between Windows and Linux are different.MinGW can have permission on mingw console.On Windows PowereShell we can not link libraries under MinGW/lib because we can not have the above permision. > mingw32-make allmingw32-g++…

Xaml 000

You can not use location tag in xaml.Use Margin for location. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947559/c-sharp-wpf-how-to-set-location-width-and-height-of-the-controls-programatically Margin parameters means "left, top, right, bottom" b…

企画書 000

例えば、あなたの会社をイメージしましょう。社内の管理毎をソフトウェアで管理するというよくある社内管理ソフトです。 例えば、税計算などの法改正に対応するには、法に対する計算式の登録が必要です。これによって、税法が変わっても、社員の給与明細は上…


以下のサイトを使って、とりあえず、WindowsAPIでウィンドウ一枚作成しました。ウィンドウ一枚あれば、アプリケーションの拡張がかなり期待できるので、以下のサイトはとても重宝しました。 https://blog.goo.ne.jp/masaki_goo_2006/e/d9a32b7fe29cf390597e4…

Code Analyzer 006

Analyzer can stop to take out class name before space but find character '{'.And I prepared parser for analization of inside class. Created: parse_inside_class --- > mingw32-make allgcc -Wall -O3 -o analyzer.o -c analyzer.cppgcc array_coun…

Code Analyzer 005

20180423Analyzer does not recognize except alphabet looking for libraries, so I put a limitation the below surely in the parse_libraries. the parse_libraries: // 20180423 if ( alphabet ( dummy[0] ) == 1 ) { printf( "parse_libraries %s %d A…