Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


Anayzer: Growing model itself is thinking of something, if you think of Shougi( like chess ) is how we move Koma( bone ).

Their loving us, we've already realised and respect Shougi-Player. 1. If the Koma( Bone in chess) is there, the informaton is abloute.So, we can reduce the scheme( maching selection of next choice) like the below. There is a "3-3 HU".Next …

Proposal 001

Design means 1. Drawing art 1-1 Drawing shapes 1-2 Drawing font (which is basically important for sending infomation. we usually click buttons which have font on the software.) The art has the role which sends message to software users and…

企画書 000

例えば、あなたの会社をイメージしましょう。社内の管理毎をソフトウェアで管理するというよくある社内管理ソフトです。 例えば、税計算などの法改正に対応するには、法に対する計算式の登録が必要です。これによって、税法が変わっても、社員の給与明細は上…