Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: we ensured:

The problem is ( which problem is ? ) STEP 3->4->7->8-> https://waitrudweber.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/03/30/001322 The problem is window-creation: --- The problem is ( which problem is ? ) STEP 3->4->7->8-> https://waitrudweber.hatenablog…

3d: windows-make: WindowsAPI: we ensured the lootin:

3d: windows-make: WindowsAPI: we ensured the lootin: (20200318) memorizevPoint 1. get vPoint from controler: 2. if 1 is null, new vPoint: 227 :// Recreated: 20200218 228 :// 229 :// 230 :// 231 :// 232 :vPoint* memorizevPoint( float a, flo…

windows-make: Analyzer: Message Error:

(20200311) windows-make: Analyzer: Message Error:To fix message error: 1. Remove set_level_error_msg(Clipboard-20200311). ---- 1. make clean. 2. make all and execute (Clipboard-20200311-001). 3. change log_msg_003. 4. make all and execute:…

Windows-make: it doesn't work well:

Which is my answer the below: Step back to Code Analyzer: > .\winmain_001.exe .\winmain_003.cpp argc 2 argv[0]=C:\Users\abjmp_000\Documents\source\analyzer\analyzer_20200311\winmain_001.exe https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/m…

3d: Free memorization: To display a Box: we use Triangles:

(20200305) Frame: int initialize_box () { vTriangle* tri = new vTriangle(); tri->setTriangle ( new vPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new vPoint( 50.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new vPoint( 0.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f) ); //tri->setPoint ( new vPoint(0.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f),…

3d: WindowsAPI: windows-make: Frame works:

(20200302) ---- WM_CHAAR: WM_PAINT: the aboves all should be on wButton or not? And, how do we create the lootins? Creations: Frame works: (in a file) wm_char: wm_paint: class F_AAA : public F_AA { void wm_char() { } void wm_paint() { } } …

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: Trigered: Processor:

(20200301)WindowProcessor -> Click-Trigered -> Trigered-Processor : -> PreProcessor : Memorization of pre-calculation: display_threeD_screen_initialize_OnRails: -> Proceccor : main-calulation: dDisplayControls_wmpaint_display_threeD_proc_O…