Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

3d: WindowsAPI: windows-make: Frame works:



the aboves all should be on wButton or not?
And, how do we create the lootins?

Frame works: (in a file)

class F_AAA : public F_AA {

	void wm_char() {

	void wm_paint() {



setFrameEvent( new F_AAA () ); In Computer Graphics, we must draw on the window-canvas anyway, so we'd rather love the above model.



The Sub-Lootin has wButtonControler and wCanvas:

	printf("WM_MESSG 003: %d *(p_evt->uMsg):%d\r\n", uMsg, *(p_evt->uMsg) );
	btc.Process ();
	canvas.Process ();
	m_mode = p_evt->main_mode;
	printf("WM_MESSG 004: %d *(p_evt->uMsg):%d uMsg:%d p_evt->uMsg: %d &uMsg: %d \r\n", uMsg, *(p_evt->uMsg), uMsg, p_evt->uMsg, &uMsg );

SetLootins: "setButton( )" to wButton or wButtonController : "setCanvas( )" to wCanvas : ---

Anyway, we created wControllerT which include wButtonController and wCanvasController.


class wControllerT {

		void setKickEvent_001 ( int num, wKickEvent* kick_event) ;
		void setButtonController ( wButtonController* btc ) {}
		void setCanvasController ( wCanvasController* canvas ) {}



(20200303) Something happened, we could not trust "wContoroller.h", so created "wContorollerT.h".


#include "wJavaStructure.h"

#include "wEvent.h"
#include "wKickEvent.h"

#include "wButton.h"
#include "wButtonController.h"
#include "wCanvasController.h"

#include "wControllerT.h"

void wControllerT::setKickEvent_001 ( int num, wKickEvent* kick_event) {
	m_btc->setKickEvent_001( num, kick_event);
	m_canvas->setKickEvent_001( num, kick_event);

void wControllerT::setButtonController ( wButtonController* btc ) {
	m_btc = btc;

void wControllerT::setCanvasController ( wCanvasController* canvas ) {
	m_canvas = canvas;
	// wControllerT 20200303 starts.
	wKickEventDisplayThreeD* kick_event = new wKickEventDisplayThreeD() ;
	wKickEvent* kick_event_001 = new wKickEvent() ;

	controller_t = new wControllerT(); 
	controller_t->setKickEvent_001 ( 0, kick_event );
	controller_t->setKickEvent_001 ( 1, kick_event_001 );
	// wControllerT 20200303 ends.


WM_MESSG 003: 36 *(p_evt->uMsg):36
wButtonController::Process: 36 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 0 lParam 2685436 this->event->uMsg:2685056 *(this->event->uMsg)=36

void wControllerT::kickEvent_001 starts
void wControllerT::kickEvent_001 ends
WM_MESSG 004: 36 *(p_evt->uMsg):36 uMsg:36 p_evt->uMsg: 2685056 &uMsg: 2685056
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 590750: uMsg 129: wParam 0: lParam 2685424: canvas 4374928: btc 4374944: *(p_evt->uMsg) 129:
WM_MESSG 003: 129 *(p_evt->uMsg):129
wButtonController::Process: 129 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 0 lParam 2685424 this->event->uMsg:2685012 *(this->event->uMsg)=12
void wControllerT::kickEvent_001 starts
void wControllerT::kickEvent_001 ends
WM_MESSG 004: 129 *(p_evt->uMsg):129 uMsg:129 p_evt->uMsg: 2685012 &uMsg: 2685012
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 590750: uMsg 131: wParam 0: lParam 2685404: canvas 4374928: btc 4374944: *(p_evt->uMsg) 131:
WM_MESSG 003: 131 *(p_evt->uMsg):131
wButtonController::Process: 131 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 0 lParam 2685404 this->event->uMsg:2685016 *(this->event->uMsg)=13
void wControllerT::kickEvent_001 starts
void wControllerT::kickEvent_001 ends
WM_MESSG 004: 131 *(p_evt->uMsg):131 uMsg:131 p_evt->uMsg: 2685016 &uMsg: 2685016
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 590750: uMsg 1: wParam 0: lParam 2685424: canvas 4374928: btc 4374944: *(p_evt->uMsg) 1:
void wControllerT::setKickEvent_001 starts
void wControllerT::setKickEvent_001 ends
void wControllerT::setKickEvent_001 starts
void wControllerT::setKickEvent_001 ends

And we think, Process:

	should call

Process has
	Drawing Program:

I think which ways we like or not we we create Framework's class, I created.