Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


3d: print controls: control lines

First, freely we lined controls from anchors, and displayed them.

First, we must think simple.

1. Freely, Program analyzer. 2.Simplize lootins so that evry lootin could touch all memories. 3.Use A.I. The above is all rules, and never think about any other. And then. just put a simplized lootin.

3D: cDisplayControls:

cDisplayControls_wmpaint_display_threeD_proc: we could memorize and copy controls. And then, we consider, reuse old lootins. // Qualified: 20190711 // // // // // int cDisplayControls_wmpaint_display_threeD_proc ( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, PAINT…

3D: aDisplay qualified:

aDisplay doesn't display vLine but qualified. // Qualified: 20190710 // // // // // int aDisplayControls_wmpaint_display_threeD_proc ( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, PAINTSTRUCT* ps, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { static vLine** l_lines …

3D: We can't memorize vLine:

github.com And answer might be any options or includes? And we could do the below. vLine::vLine ( ) { this->p1 = new vPoint(); this->p2 = new vPoint(); } // // // // // // int bDisplayControls_wmpaint_display_threeD_proc ( HWND hWnd, HDC h…

3D: Failed: Sorry...

20190709 // // // // // // int bDisplayControls_wmpaint_display_threeD_proc ( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, PAINTSTRUCT* ps, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { static vLine** l_lines = nullptr; static int line_num = 0; if ( memorized_CurveL…

3D: Qualified: and doesn't allow new, does it?

at 20190708, qualified. ////////////int DisplayControls_wmpaint_display_threeD_proc ( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, PAINTSTRUCT* ps, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { static char num_str[2048]; static vLine** l_lines = nullptr; static int …

3D: Parameters were Printed well:

Merged and can't display it well. -----------------------------------------------20190708 starts curve_initialization()STARTS CurveLines->FirstCreatation()ENDS CurveLines->FirstCreatation()STARTS CurveLines->PrintAnchors();p( 1.000000, 0.0…

3D: Print 3D Parameters: Controls were qualified.

https://blog-imgs-111.fc2.com/c/j/v/cjv1lhbjv7q3/000-Code-Sample-CPP-3D-011.html Very Thanks to: http://www.mingw.org/ Usage: We usually use 3D-Calculations for display.By Use of: Compiled with Mingw.Functions: 3D:.\004-main_001.cpp And Al…

3D: Print 3D Parameters: Anchors were qualified.

https://blog-imgs-111.fc2.com/c/j/v/cjv1lhbjv7q3/000-Code-Sample-CPP-3D-010.html Very Thanks to: http://www.mingw.org/ Usage: We usually use 3D-Calculations for display. By Use of: Compiled with Mingw. Functions: 3D:.\004-main_001.cpp And …