Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


半導体と半導体製造装置と基盤レイアウト :001

本当は、エミュレータに、たとえゲーム機だったとしても、可能性を感じます。 javaのループ処理で、C言語よりも早い結果が得られる時があるのは、パイプラインによる、オーダーの入れ替えの恩恵です(OSのメモリ管理もあると思います)。 ソフト屋さんが、新…

3D: Beautiful solution


on the Screen ( x, y ). x = cross ( u , intersection -C )y = cross ( v , intersection -C ) u and v have been caluculated once from U and V on the screen. So, we could be assited in loop in computer when we use it. https://waitrudweber.hate…

3D: Solving fomura :


Gvie you infomation the below. C : CenterU : you could freely write in 3-D.V : you could freely write in 3-D. Youd could solve the local axes from the above.u = normal(U) : normal vector of U.v = normal(V) : normal vector of V.w = cross( u…

Specification : winmain_001.exe

ButtonController : 1. can draw on screen. 2. can change selected button.Appendix: 3. can use short cut. I added lootin anyway wwButtonController.cpp and wButto, which becomes to have a lootin main process can kick. // wButtonController.cpp…