Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

Garbage Collection

Garbage Collection

Basically, We use malloc inside scope like function and then free memories like the following:

void Scope()
 char* dummu;
 dummy = malloc ( sizeof(char)* 10 );

sub lootin has usually sub lootin.
on the following case, we must keep memories a and b before call of m_concat and also after call of m_concat.

void Scope()
 char* a, b;
 a = m_concat( a, (char*)b );

So, I created garbage collection.

1. Execute winmain_001.exe.
2. Press Ctl and then v about 10 times.
3. Press Ctl and then r.

You could see garbage collection.
Qhen changing stage or before start of process, you free garbage collecyion, which get system stable.

void put_garbage_collection (char* put_char_string ) {

 char** g_dummy;

 if ( garbage.stock_index == 0 ) {
  g_dummy = (char **) malloc( sizeof(char*) * garbage.stock_max );
  garbage.stock = g_dummy;

 if ( garbage.stock_index >= garbage.stock_max ) {
  garbage.stock_max *=2;
  garbage.stock = (char**) realloc( garbage.stock, sizeof(char*) * garbage.stock_max );

 garbage.stock[garbage.stock_index] = put_char_string;

char* m_concat( char *head, char *tail )
 int nh, nt;
 static int alloc = 0;
 char* c_head;

 nh = array_count( head );
 nt = array_count( tail );

 for ( int j=0; j< 1000; j++ ) {
  if ( alloc == 1 ) {

 if ( alloc == 0 ) {
  alloc = 1;
  dummy_allocation = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * ( nh + nt + 1 ) );
  alloc = 0;

 for( int i=0; i< nh; i++ )
  *( dummy_allocation + i ) = *(head + i);

 for( int i=0; i< nt; i++ )
  *( dummy_allocation + nh + i ) = *(tail + i);

 *( dummy_allocation + nh + nt ) = '\0';


 return dummy_allocation;

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