Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


3d: Retun vPoint* all from basic functions: temporarily, we modified 3d-calculations Unsteady and ...

We choosed the stable way, and the program becomes very smooth, which is changed memorizations. vCalculation::subtract:001 starts.|037CDD20|037CDD24|037CDD28||234.670578|659.422607|-604.174683|394.670563|339.422668|-764.174683||037CDD20|03…

3d: Retun vPoint* all from basic functions: temporarily, we modified 3d-calculations Unsteady.

20210108:We can not find "vPosint" but created, which was a file error, we proofed. : https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/display-20210108-001.zip And we prepare "&result function" which is attached to the last of it lik…