Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


CodeAnalyzer: html: The way you are.

Not only internet, htm format is basically for documents and their layout. 1 - - 2 3 ---int analyze_html_inside( char* inside, HTMLTAG* html ) starts.ac(array count) 1tag=|p|int analyze_html_inside( char* inside, HTMLTAG* html ) ends.Next …

CodeAnalyzer: windows-make: get_string and and aFree is still working well.

Our suggestion says that memories work is good on the level of code.And compilaton rate is still doubtful. 1 2 3 Print and ascii free should have been good. ---p_dummy|0041BCA0|eks</| and free p_dummy|0041BCA0|eks</|p_dummy|0041BCA0|ks</a| and free p_dummy|0041BCA0|ks</a|p_dummy|0041BCA0|s</a>| and …