Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


WindowsAPI: windows-make: Returnable value and allocations.

From the under the sub lootin, return the allocation value is a right way.You are much better if you use a convert from the file written in C language. Microsoft WindowsAPI must be return value error number as "int" in their specification.…

CodeAnalyzer: Code Block: It moves, which is still a wonder.

It moves, which is still a wonder if we comment out the print message like 012: as bold.* - - - - 508 :char* m_concat( char *head, char *tail ) {509 : int nh, nt;510 : static int alloc = 0;511 : char* c_head;512 : char* result = NULL;513 :…

CodeAnalyzer: windows-make: Print memories:

Print memories is well and set the message level param.From the under the sub lootin like "char* copyof_002 ( char* str )", we can revise the retunable value by use of memorization control in this case "p|003C1140|:dummy_ary[0]=|abc|". s_a…

CodeAnalyzer: windows-make: Change the print and it prints allocations well.

We can not read the first literature on the file and change print message and so, we can print it well.At the least, on the base buffer, p_dummy is well. * - - - - 1 2 3 p|00851180|:dummy_ary[0]=| |void print_memories_002 () ends.character…