Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

3d: windows-make: Revisement: Support or not: the answer is not on the theory.

Support to "return (*vPoint)";
Memorization must be global and should adinistrated so that it satisfys the below:

vPoint vTriangle::getNormal() {

	vPoint nrml;
	vPoint ap, bp;
	vCalculation *cal = nullptr;

	cal = new vCalculation ();
	ap = cal->subtract( p2 , p1 );
	bp = cal->subtract( p3 , p1 );
	nrml = cal->cross( ap, bp );
	nrml = cal->normal( nrml );

	this->normal = &nrml;

	delete( cal );

	return nrml;


We would use covinient local memorization but lose "return (vPoint*)" under vCalculation because which is copied and memorized until this program stops.
But we could see and feel like a lot that the above codes is OK so that we do not use "operator=".

--- compilation error ---
vTriangle.cpp:18:28: error: no match for 'operator=' (operand types are 'vPoint' and 'vPoint*')
nrml = cal->cross( ap, bp );
In file included from vTriangle.cpp:1:0:
vPoint.h:5:7: note: candidate: constexpr vPoint& vPoint::operator=(const vPoint&)