Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

Analyzer: html: windows-make: the function of copyof has worked well but now we'd rather like to check it.

// alloc's
char* copyof ( char* str ) {
	int ac = array_count(str);
	dummy_allocation = (char*)malloc( sizeof(char) * (ac + 1) );
	put_memories( dummy_allocation );

	for ( int i=0; i<ac; i++) {
		dummy_allocation[i] = str[i];

	dummy_allocation[ac] = '\0';

	return dummy_allocation;

from 0 to 3 lesser, copyof does work, we can say. because of the below 

struct_fp.fp |1988074600|
get_char ends.
i: 52 loop starts. struct_fp.fp |1988074600|
get_char starts.
struct_fp.fp |1988074600| struct_fp.index |52|
struct_fp.fp |1988074600|
get_char ends.
we could find line end.
set csv[2][2] = | amazon|.
0 0 |1|
0 1 | axes|
0 2 | amazon|


