Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

Analyzer: windows-make: we can set the font-size: if the result match or not.

csv is already memorized, so, we think, which is placing error.

How do we inspect the ideal result and the result wrong in memories?

We have to create the ideal answer in a file and check if the result matches or not

replace.cpp  Sun Mar 14 18:53:16 2021
163 :int replace_csv ( char* form_file ) {
164 :	char str_num[10];
165 :	char* string;
166 :	printf("replace_csv starts.\r\n");
167 :	sleep(1);
168 :	// if we read a file all, memorization is changed wrong.
169 :	string = read_all(form_file);
170 :
171 :	for( int i =0; i<3; i++ ) {
172 :		for( int j =0; j<3; j++ ) {
173 :			sprintf( str_num, "$%d%d", i, j );
174 ://			printf("i %d j %d {%p} |%s|: ", i, j, csv[i][j], (char*)csv[i][j]);
175 :			if ( csv[i][j] != nullptr )
176 :				string = m_replace ( string, str_num, csv[i][j] );
177 :
178 :			printf("replace: %d %d |%s|%s|:\r\n|%s|\r\n", i, j, str_num, csv[i][j], string);
179 :			sleep(1);
180 :		}
181 :	}
182 :
183 ://	write_block( ".\\001-html-20210211-001\.txt", string );
184 :	printf("replace_csv ends.\r\n");
185 :	return -1;
186 :}