Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

Code analyzer

I'd like to analyze Open source which is usually complex. So, I tried to create code analyzer.

Token analyzer below means "Token analyzer in Code analyzer."


Token analyzer has a problem now.
The problem which is that the anlyzer allows the token memory to have the line end in the head ( token[0] ).
So, we try to stop the process in that situation anyway.

the Situation is when :
 1. token[0] is line end.
 2. at least analyzer is trying to analyze program keyword ( means not skkipping ).


So I added codels to put_token.

 // 20280420 problem solution temporarily.
 // 1. token[0] is line end.
 // 2. at least analyzer is trying to analyze program keyword ( means not skkipping ).
 if ( m_cnt_tkn == 0 && c == '\n' ) {
  printf( "m_mode: %d token[0] is line end. filename %s: line %d raw %d", m_mode, m_filename, m_line, m_raw );
  exit ( -1 );


I upload the project for everyone who like pogramming .



1. Download the above.

2. Decompress it.

3. Install MinGw.

4. Find mingw32-make.exe amd path it.

5. Type "mingw32-make all" on command-line in the project directory( means step2).