Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

3d: WindowsAPI: modification: creation: step works 005 : error: still subtract



We checked and saved proofments Clipboard01-001-20191124-001.png, Sorry, which is Editor found double lines. And We still wonder if the compiler problem is or not. if we belive compiler which is file problem, which means just file error and windows problem.

WM_MESSG 003: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):20
wButtonController::Process: 20 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 1442910555 lParam 0 this->event->uMsg:6551900 *(this->event->uMsg)=20
this->event->main_mode = 2
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Starts
AryButton 0 = 0
AryButton 1 = 0
AryButton 2 = 1
AryButton 3 = 0
AryButton 4 = 0
AryButton 5 = 0
AryButton 6 = 0
AryButton 7 = 0
AryButton 8 = 0
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Ends
Allocation of local lines: 0 6
001: i=0 / 5
002: i=0 / 5
i:   0 p: 00000000
i:   1 p: 0336D4E0
i:   2 p: 0336D630
i:   3 p: 0336D6C0
i:   4 p: 0336D438
i:   5 p: 0336D498
i:   6 p: 0336D540
i:   7 p: 0336D648
i:   8 p: 0336D4F8
i:   9 p: 0336D6D8
i:  10 p: 0336D3F0
i:  11 p: 0336D588
i:  12 p: 0336D450
i:  13 p: 0336D468
i:  14 p: 0336D510
i:  15 p: 0336D4B0
i:  16 p: 0336D570
this->Center 00000000

