Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: Specification:

void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Starts
AryButton 0 = 0
AryButton 1 = 0
AryButton 2 = 0
AryButton 3 = 0
AryButton 4 = 0
AryButton 5 = 0
AryButton 6 = 0
AryButton 7 = 0
AryButton 8 = 1
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Ends
WM_MESSG 004: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):2005769256 uMsg:15 p_evt->uMsg: 2685472 &uMsg: 2686020
WM_PAINT 005: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):2005769256 uMsg: 15
WM_PAINT 006: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):2005769256 uMsg: 15
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 787632: uMsg 257: wParam 13: lParam -1071906815: canvas 4374928: btc 4374944: *(p_evt->uMsg) 257:
WM_MESSG 003: 257 *(p_evt->uMsg):257
wButtonController::Process: 257 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 13 lParam -1071906815 this->event->uMsg:2686208 *(this->event->uM
wButtonController::ProcessWmKeyup: Starts:wButtonController::initialize 8
initialize:mode_rails: 4    
20200225: Framework: we set:
SetMovement ( 1, (MovementRailMapping*));


// Sub class inheriting from Base Class(Parent) 
class wMovementRailMapping : public wKickEvent { 
		int id_c; 

		int pid;

		void setPid ( int id ) ;

// Framed: 20200226
void wButtonController::setEvent ( int number, wEvent* evt ) {
	int a = 0;
void wButton::setKickEveent ( wKickEvent* kick_event  ) {

	// kick event

static void SetMenu ()
// Sorry for Spelling.
// How do we spell?, we can change later if we can.
button1.setKickEveent( new wKickEvent() ); button1.setButton ( 0, 0, 200, 50 ); button2.setButton ( 0, 50, 200, 50 ); button3.setButton ( 0, 100, 200, 50 ); button4.setButton ( 0, 150, 200, 50 ); button5.setButton ( 0, 200, 200, 50 ); button6.setButton ( 0, 250, 200, 50 ); button7.setButton ( 0, 300, 200, 50 ); button8.setButton ( 0, 350, 200, 50 ); button9.setButton ( 0, 400, 200, 50 ); if ( call_once_set_menu == 0 ) { btc.addButton( &button1 ); btc.addButton( &button2 ); btc.addButton( &button3 ); btc.addButton( &button4 ); btc.addButton( &button5 ); btc.addButton( &button6 ); btc.addButton( &button7 ); btc.addButton( &button8 ); btc.addButton( &button9 ); btc.CursolNumber = 0; // add: 20191112 btc.selectButton(); // add: 20191112 call_once_set_menu = 1; } }

Step Back:(20200229)

1. recognised including "wKickEvent.h" above the "wButton.h" in all files of cpp.
2. and then, compiled as "make all" and I could.
3. and recognised "setKickEveent" as function including "wKickEvent.h".
4. and changed name "setKickEveent" to "setKickEvent_001" and I could.

So, thank you very much, I put a number, if I saw the situation.

(20200301) We could call function:3d we created y use of wKickEvent which is set to "wButton:". Easily, we could carry on the Process, even we have created if you choosed useful processes as cllected funtions.




#include "array_counter.h"
#include "wTextarea.h"
#include "clipboard.h"
#include "Print.h"	//ADD: 20191228

#include "vPoint.h"
#include "vLine.h"
#include "vTriangle.h"
#include "vCalculation.h"
#include "vCurveCalculation.h"
#include "vIntersection.h"
#include "vScreen.h"
//#include "vLine.h"
#include "vCircle.h"

#include "vPointStructure.h"
#include "vPointLinear.h"
#include "display_threeD.h"

#include "wKickEvent.h"
#include "wKickEventDisplayThreeD.h"
//#include "wKickEventDisplayThreeD.h"

void wKickEventDisplayThreeD::setPid ( int id ) {
	this->pid =id;

void wKickEventDisplayThreeD::Execute_001 () {


void wKickEventDisplayThreeD::Prefectured () {
	int a = display_threeD_screen_initialize_OnRails ();