Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

3d: WindowsAPI: windows-make: Parameter t and t*t, which was blended:

We do not want to show the below code:
We try to use function-name: Position not BattleField, but we couldn't.
Something, we showed, functuion name restricted, and cannot print curves well on the display.
Printing parameter point and curve_point, calculation was well.
.\vCurveCalculation.cpp  Mon Dec 30 15:38:43 2019

  1 :#include 
  2 :#include 
  3 :#include  // ADD: 20191230
  4 :
  5 :#include "array_counter.h"	// ADD: 20191230
  6 :#include "sender.h"			// ADD: 20191230
  7 :#include "Print.h"			// ADD: 20191230
  8 :
  9 :#include "vPoint.h"
 10 :#include "vLine.h"
 11 :#include "vCalculation.h"
 12 :#include "vCurveCalculation.h"
 13 :
 14 :vPoint* vCurveCalculation::BattleField (vPoint* p1, vPoint* p2, vPoint* p3, vPoint* p4, float t) {
 15 :	vCalculation* calc = nullptr;
 16 :
 17 :	printf("vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |%p|%p|%p|%p|", p1, p2, p3, p4 );
 18 :	// calculation, revisement
 19 :	float tt = t*t;
 20 :	float c=2.0f;
 21 :
 22 :	// Linear
 23 :	vPoint* p5 = calc->scalize( p1, (1.0f - t) );	// anchor p1
 24 :	vPoint* p6 = calc->scalize ( p4, t ); 			// anchor p4
 25 :
 26 :	vPoint* point = calc->add ( p5, p6 );
 27 :
 28 :	//consider, p2 and p3 which are controls points.
 29 :	// Curve
 30 :	vPoint* p7 = calc->scalize( p2, (1.0f - tt) );	// anchor p2
 31 :	vPoint* p8 = calc->scalize ( p3, tt ); 			// anchor p3
 32 :	vPoint* curve_point = calc->add ( p7, p8 );
 33 :
 34 :	// Linear + Curve: Blend
 35 :	vPoint* blend_001 = calc->add( curve_point, point );
 36 :	vPoint* blend = calc->scalize( blend_001, 0.5f);
 37 :
 38 :	level_error_msg = 2;
 39 :	// Calculated points printed.
 40 :	log_msg_003("p5=");
 41 :	p5->print();
 42 :	log_msg_003("p7=");
 43 :	p7->print();
 44 :
 45 :	log_msg_003("curve_point=");
 46 :	curve_point->print();
 47 :	log_msg_003("blend=");
 48 :	blend->print();
 49 :	log_msg_003("blend_001=");
 50 :	blend_001->print();
 51 :	log_msg_003("point=");
 52 :	point->print();
 53 :	level_error_msg = 3;
 54 :
 55 :	printf("vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |%p|\r\n", blend );
 56 ://	exit(-1);
 57 :	return blend;
 58 :
 59 ://	return curve_point;
 60 :}
 61 :
 62 :// p1: Anchor
 63 :// p2: setting controls
 64 ://
 65 :// p3: Anchor(next)
 66 :// p4: setting controls
 67 ://
 68 ://      vCurveCalculation
 69 ://                         Position 
 70 :/* vPoint* vCurveCalculation::Position (vPoint* p1, vPoint* p2, vPoint p3, vPoint* p4, float t) {
 71 :	vCalculation* calc = nullptr;
 72 :
 73 :	// calculation, revisement
 74 :	float tt = t*t;
 75 :
 76 :	vPoint* p5 = calc->multiple ( p1, 1 - tt );
 77 :	vPoint* p6 = calc->multiple ( p3, tt );
 78 :
 79 :	vPoint point calc->add ( p5, p6 );
 80 :
 81 :	//consider, p2 and p3 which is controls point.
 82 :
 83 :	return point;
 84 :}*/
 85 :
AryButton 8 = 1
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Ends
WM_MESSG 004: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):1992137768 uMsg:15 p_evt->uMsg: 2685472 &uMsg: 2686020
WM_PAINT 005: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):1992137768 uMsg: 15
WM_PAINT 006: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):1992137768 uMsg: 15
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 656230: uMsg 256: wParam 13: lParam 1835009: canvas 4362640: btc 4362656: *(p_evt->uMsg) 256:
WM_MESSG 003: 256 *(p_evt->uMsg):256
wButtonController::Process: 256 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 13 lParam 1835009 this->event->uMsg:2686208 *(this->event->uMsg)
this->event->main_mode = 0
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Starts
AryButton 0 = 0
AryButton 1 = 0
AryButton 2 = 0
AryButton 3 = 0
AryButton 4 = 0
AryButton 5 = 0
AryButton 6 = 0
AryButton 7 = 0
AryButton 8 = 1
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Ends
WM_MESSG 004: 256 *(p_evt->uMsg):256 uMsg:256 p_evt->uMsg: 2686208 &uMsg: 2686208
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 656230: uMsg 258: wParam 13: lParam 1835009: canvas 4362640: btc 4362656: *(p_evt->uMsg) 258:
WM_MESSG 003: 258 *(p_evt->uMsg):258
wButtonController::Process: 258 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 13 lParam 1835009 this->event->uMsg:2686208 *(this->event->uMsg)
Called: InvalidateRect( this->event->hWnd, NULL, TRUE) 8
getchar = 13
void wCanvasController::ProcessWmChar (): 8
WM_MESSG 004: 258 *(p_evt->uMsg):258 uMsg:258 p_evt->uMsg: 2686208 &uMsg: 2686208
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 656230: uMsg 15: wParam 0: lParam 0: canvas 4362640: btc 4362656: *(p_evt->uMsg) 15:
WM_PAINT 001: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):15 uMsg: 15
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 656230: uMsg 20: wParam 771820300: lParam 0: canvas 4362640: btc 4362656: *(p_evt->uMsg) 20:
WM_MESSG 003: 20 *(p_evt->uMsg):20
wButtonController::Process: 20 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 771820300 lParam 0 this->event->uMsg:2685472 *(this->event->uMsg)
Called: InvalidateRect( this->event->hWnd, NULL, TRUE) 8
getchar = 771820300
void wCanvasController::ProcessWmChar (): 8
WM_MESSG 004: 20 *(p_evt->uMsg):20 uMsg:20 p_evt->uMsg: 2685472 &uMsg: 2685472
WM_PAINT 002: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):0 uMsg: 15
WM_MESSG 003: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):0
wButtonController::Process: 0 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 771820300 lParam 0 this->event->uMsg:2685472 *(this->event->uMsg)=

this->event->main_mode = 8
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Starts
AryButton 0 = 0
AryButton 1 = 0
AryButton 2 = 0
AryButton 3 = 0
AryButton 4 = 0
AryButton 5 = 0
AryButton 6 = 0
AryButton 7 = 0
AryButton 8 = 1
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Ends
WM_MESSG 004: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):1992137768 uMsg:15 p_evt->uMsg: 2685472 &uMsg: 2686020
WM_PAINT 005: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):1992137768 uMsg: 15
WM_PAINT 006: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):1992137768 uMsg: 15
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 656230: uMsg 257: wParam 13: lParam -1071906815: canvas 4362640: btc 4362656: *(p_evt->uMsg) 257:
WM_MESSG 003: 257 *(p_evt->uMsg):257
wButtonController::Process: 257 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 13 lParam -1071906815 this->event->uMsg:2686208 *(this->event->u
wButtonController::ProcessWmKeyup: Starts:initialize 8
starts curve_initialization()
STARTS CurveLines->FirstCreation()
ac: 1: ac normal 1.0: 1: ac scale absolute 0.0f: 1 1 C1 1 C2 ac: 2: ac normal 1.0: 2: ac scale absolute 0.0f: 2 2 C1 2
2 ac: 3: ac normal 1.0: 3: ac scale absolute 0.0f: 3 3 C1 3 C2 ac: 4: ac normal 1.0: 4: ac scale absolute 0.0f: 4 4 C1
 C2 aPS[ 0 ]->Anchor: ENDS CurveLines->FirstCreation()
STARTS CurveLines->PrintAnchors();
dsitance from 0 to 1: 171.464282
dsitance from 1 to 2: 206.397674
dsitance from 2 to 3: 206.397674
dsitance from 3 to 4: 202.484567
dsitance from 4 to 5: 201.246118
ENDS CurveLines->PrintAnchors();
CurveLines->print_lines_num= 0
STARTS CurveLines->PrintControls();
vPointLinear::PrintControls: STARTS.
C1 C2 distance 79.999991
C1 C2 distance 80.000004
C1 C2 distance 80.000011
C1 C2 distance 80.000035
C1 C2 distance 79.999959
C1 C2 distance 80.000046
vPointLinear::PrintControls: END.
ENDS CurveLines->PrintControls();
CurveLines->print_lines_num= 0
vPointLinear::generateControls(): STARTS
put_line: this->print_lines_num=0 this->numPS=6
i: 0
vLine: 0042002D 00420030
vPointLinear::put_line STARTS.
put_line: this->print_lines_num=0
put_line: this->print_lines_num=1
PointLinear::put_line ENDS.
i: 1
vLine: 0042002D 00420030
vPointLinear::put_line STARTS.
put_line: this->print_lines_num=1
put_line: this->print_lines_num=2
PointLinear::put_line ENDS.
i: 2
vLine: 0042002D 00420030
vPointLinear::put_line STARTS.
put_line: this->print_lines_num=2
put_line: this->print_lines_num=3
PointLinear::put_line ENDS.
i: 3
vLine: 0042002D 00420030
vPointLinear::put_line STARTS.
put_line: this->print_lines_num=3
put_line: this->print_lines_num=4
PointLinear::put_line ENDS.
i: 4
vLine: 0042002D 00420030
vPointLinear::put_line STARTS.
put_line: this->print_lines_num=4
put_line: this->print_lines_num=5
PointLinear::put_line ENDS.
i: 5
vLine: 0042002D 00420030
vPointLinear::put_line STARTS.
put_line: this->print_lines_num=5
put_line: this->print_lines_num=6
PointLinear::put_line ENDS.
this->print_lines_num = 6
vPointLinear::generateControls(): ENDS
CurveLines->print_lines_num= 6
void vPointLinear::CurveRevisement () STARTS
int vPointLinear::CurveRevisement:
i=  0/  5
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037A7F60|037BCEA0|037BCBB8|037A7D08|p5=p( -110.000000, 0.000000, 100.000000)
p7=p( -76.704559, 11.244169, 119.104500)
curve_point=p( -76.704559, 11.244169, 119.104500)
blend=p( -93.352280, 5.622085, 109.552246)
blend_001=p( -186.704559, 11.244169, 219.104492)
point=p( -110.000000, 0.000000, 100.000000)
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037BD200|
curve_p : |037BD200|
i=  1/  5
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037A7F60|037BCEA0|037BCBB8|037A7D08|p5=p( -88.000000, 0.000000, 80.000000)
p7=p( -73.636375, 10.794402, 114.340317)
curve_point=p( -73.484085, 12.331750, 120.952362)
blend=p( -78.742043, 11.165874, 120.476181)
blend_001=p( -157.484085, 22.331749, 240.952362)
point=p( -84.000000, 10.000000, 120.000000)
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037BE4E8|
curve_p : |037BE4E8|
i=  2/  5
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037A7F60|037BCEA0|037BCBB8|037A7D08|p5=p( -66.000000, 0.000000, 60.000004)
p7=p( -64.431831, 9.445102, 100.047775)
curve_point=p( -63.822681, 15.594494, 126.495956)
blend=p( -60.911339, 17.797247, 133.247986)
blend_001=p( -121.822678, 35.594494, 266.495972)
point=p( -58.000000, 20.000000, 140.000000)
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037BE650|
curve_p : |037BE650|
i=  3/  5
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037A7F60|037BCEA0|037BCBB8|037A7D08|p5=p( -43.999996, 0.000000, 39.999996)
p7=p( -49.090916, 7.196268, 76.226875)
curve_point=p( -47.720329, 21.032402, 135.735275)
blend=p( -39.860161, 25.516201, 147.867645)
blend_001=p( -79.720322, 51.032402, 295.735291)
point=p( -31.999996, 30.000002, 160.000000)
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037BE5C0|
curve_p : |037BE5C0|
i=  4/  5
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037A7F60|037BCEA0|037BCBB8|037A7D08|p5=p( -21.999998, 0.000000, 19.999998)
p7=p( -27.613638, 4.047900, 42.877613)
curve_point=p( -25.177040, 28.645470, 148.670319)
blend=p( -15.588519, 34.322735, 164.335159)
blend_001=p( -31.177038, 68.645470, 328.670319)
point=p( -5.999998, 40.000000, 180.000000)
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037BE800|
curve_p : |037BE800|