Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

Analyzer: Customized Parse: Step1


We don't touch this source code:
The reason why "Analyzer::parse: ends. -1 0" is, we think, compiled problem.

AryButton 7 = 0
AryButton 8 = 0
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Ends
WM_MESSG 004: 256 *(p_evt->uMsg):256 uMsg:256 p_evt->uMsg: 2686208 &uMsg: 2686208
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 1638958: uMsg 258: wParam 13: lParam 1835009: canvas 4366736: btc 4366752: *(p_evt->uMsg) 258:
WM_MESSG 003: 258 *(p_evt->uMsg):258
wButtonController::Process: 258 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 13 lParam 1835009 this->event->uMsg:2686208 *(this->event->uMsg)=2
Called: InvalidateRect( this->event->hWnd, NULL, TRUE) 3
void wCanvasController::ProcessWmChar (): 3
WM_MESSG 004: 258 *(p_evt->uMsg):258 uMsg:258 p_evt->uMsg: 2686208 &uMsg: 2686208
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 1638958: uMsg 15: wParam 0: lParam 0: canvas 4366736: btc 4366752: *(p_evt->uMsg) 15:
WM_PAINT 001: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):15 uMsg: 15
WM_MESSG 000: hWnd 1638958: uMsg 20: wParam 1728121408: lParam 0: canvas 4366736: btc 4366752: *(p_evt->uMsg) 20:
WM_MESSG 003: 20 *(p_evt->uMsg):20
wButtonController::Process: 20 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 1728121408 lParam 0 this->event->uMsg:2685472 *(this->event->uMsg)=
Called: InvalidateRect( this->event->hWnd, NULL, TRUE) 3
void wCanvasController::ProcessWmChar (): 3
WM_MESSG 004: 20 *(p_evt->uMsg):20 uMsg:20 p_evt->uMsg: 2685472 &uMsg: 2685472
WM_PAINT 002: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):0 uMsg: 15
WM_MESSG 003: 15 *(p_evt->uMsg):0
wButtonController::Process: 0 / 15<-WM_PAINT wParam 1728121408 lParam 0 this->event->uMsg:2685472 *(this->event->uMsg)=0

this->event->main_mode = 3
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Starts
AryButton 0 = 0
AryButton 1 = 0
AryButton 2 = 0
AryButton 3 = 1
AryButton 4 = 0
AryButton 5 = 0
AryButton 6 = 0
AryButton 7 = 0
AryButton 8 = 0
void wButtonController::drawButtons ( HDC hdc ): Ends
Analyzer::parse: starts.
Analyzer::parse: ends. -1 0