Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

html: windows-make: outline: creating tag on the light way.


1. Create CSV like the below.

1, axes, amazon
2, drill, amazon
3, hummer, amazon

1-1. Replace $Marker to 1.CSV data in the form file like on the below.


$11 $12 $13
$21 $22 $23
$31 $32 $33






Reallocation error 20210210:



 --- execution ---

get_char ends.
i: 6 loop starts. struct_fp.fp |1994693736|
get_char starts.
struct_fp.fp |1994693736| struct_fp.index |6|
struct_fp.fp |1994693736|
get_char ends.
i: 7 loop starts. struct_fp.fp |1994693736|
get_char starts.
struct_fp.fp |1994693736| struct_fp.index |7|
struct_fp.fp |1994693736|
get_char ends.
we could find comma.
set csv[0][1] = | axes|.

--- execution ---


replace from a to b, we could do, which is not difficult lootin.
obviously, memorization error, we can read csv and csv changed and the program stopped as error.

