Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


3d: windows-make: allocation blocks as float*

the execution is allocation sized 4. --- execution 001 ---|0221DE60||0221DE64||0221DE68||0221DE6C||0221DE70||0221DE74||0221DE78||0221DE7C||0221DE80||0221DE84||0221DE88||0221DE8C||0221DE90||0221DE94||0221DE98|...--- execution 001 --- * int …

3d: windows-make: The way we are.

malloc:int 4 bytes:int* 8 bytes: *(width) x (height) Lesser is well on the memory:On the picture grid, when we puls 1 as (+width) if we use the single array. willinglytranslate.blogspot.com The differnces of Creation of buffer:************…

CodeAnalyzer: html: Memorization is well.

Memorization is well:html_string: (all string)p_dummy: p|005A0FC8|:dummy_ary[1]=|<p>&|a_html->inside: p|005A10B8|:dummy_ary[2]=|p| *html_count++: increment a pointer address:(*html_count)++: increment a value: --- b_html |5902416| b_html_coun</p>…