Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

3d: windows-make: allocation blocks as float*

the execution is allocation sized 4.

--- execution 001 ---
--- execution 001 ---


int vDisplayController_002::create_img_buffer_print_its_adress (char* filename, int width, int height, int flag) {
	float* img_003 = NULL;
	FILE *fp;
	float* f;
	int i;

	fp = fopen ( (char*) filename, "wb" );
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("file: %s is unstable for its open as wb.\r\n", filename );
	img_003 = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float*)*width*height);
	if (img_003 == NULL) {
		printf("img_003 is not memoried(allocated).\r\n");

	for(i=0; i<width*height; i++) {
		f = (float*)(img_003 + i );
		fprintf( fp, "|%p|\r\n", f);


about *i increment

- - - in loop
1 (*i)++ better for the value better for the value
2 *i++ ? ?
3 i++    




