Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

3d: windows-make: we can print memories.

You press, "f" -> "h". you could see the 3 diplayed axex and print memories of points.

line_num is  from 3 to 12,

lines:        12 * 2 = 24,
lines_2D:    12 * 2 = 24,

because they have 2 points and line_num start is from 0.
And the other memories were allocated.

An axe is itself a vector as a point.
And they are allocated 30.
The class of them has their points like on the following:

1. right
2. depth
3. up
4. center
5. eye_001

5 * 30 = 150.

But their mmorization were more, 428, indicated on the below.

--- exiecution 001 ---
i: 410 p: 01E74C18
i: 411 p: 01E74A80
i: 412 p: 01E74BE8
i: 413 p: 01E74AC8
i: 414 p: 01E74C00
i: 415 p: 01E74BE8
i: 416 p: 01E74C30
i: 417 p: 01E74AF8
i: 418 p: 01E74AF8
i: 419 p: 01E74A98
i: 420 p: 01E74CC0
i: 421 p: 01E74C78
i: 422 p: 01E74B10
i: 423 p: 01E74B10
i: 424 p: 01E74C48
i: 425 p: 01E74CA8
i: 426 p: 01E74AE0
i: 427 p: 01E74C90
baselootin_029: ends.
--- exiecution 001 ---

They should be more free when they are printed.