Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

windows-make: mp4:

We are going to care of the count of file and print, which make the process became slow.
MP4 is very big and we can find the end of the 1st jpeg file.

100 X 100 = 10000:
So, we have to use more large buffer.
We use 30000 large buffer but it's not still enough for analyzation of mp4.

i: 29999 loop starts. p_dummy_token = |(null)| file_end:7733248struct_fp.fp |1957534824|
char* get_string ( STRUCT_FILE structure_fp, int num ) starts.
ug_dummy =|****|  array_count((char*)ug_dummy)=4
001: struct_fp.fp |1957534824| struct_fp.index |29999|
002: struct_fp.fp |1957534824| struct_fp.index |29999|
struct_fp.fp |1957534824| array_count(ug_dummy)= 0 num=4 ug_dummy address=|4329216|
char* get_string ( STRUCT_FILE structure_fp, int num ) ends.
p_dummy array_count 0 address|4329216| p_dummy[0]=|

419 KB (429,875 bytes): jpeg: 1920 x 1080

i: 98330 loop starts. p_dummy_token = |(null)| file_end:7733248struct_fp.fp |1957534824|
char* get_string ( STRUCT_FILE structure_fp, int num ) starts.
ug_dummy =|****|  array_count((char*)ug_dummy)=4
001: struct_fp.fp |1957534824| struct_fp.index |98330|
002: struct_fp.fp |1957534824| struct_fp.index |98330|
struct_fp.fp |1957534824| array_count(ug_dummy)= 2 num=4 ug_dummy address=|4329216|
char* get_string ( STRUCT_FILE structure_fp, int num ) ends.
p_dummy array_count 2 address|4329216| p_dummy[0]=|I|73|
p_dummy[0] =|73|
p_dummy[1] =|232|
p_dummy[2] =|0|
p_dummy[3] =|0|
i: 98331 loop starts. p_dummy_token = |(null)| file_end:7733248struct_fp.fp |1957534824|
char* get_string ( STRUCT_FILE structure_fp, int num ) starts.
ug_dummy =|****|  array_count((char*)ug_dummy)=4
001: struct_fp.fp |1957534824| struct_fp.index |98331|
002: struct_fp.fp |1957534824| struct_fp.index |98331|
struct_fp.fp |1957534824| array_count(ug_dummy)= 1 num=4 ug_dummy address=|4329216|
char* get_string ( STRUCT_FILE structure_fp, int num ) ends.
p_dummy array_count 1 address|4329216| p_dummy[0]=|閖232|
we cound find the image: 232 jpeg_count=2
jpeg_count=2. so, we quit it