Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


3d: windows-make: Parameter we can get by the use of character array.

I choosed that way on the title, which is going to be values and TCHAR. int record_well () { WAVEINCAPS wave_in_caps_value; LPWAVEINCAPS param; char apram[255]; // // // apram[0] = '\0'; err_msg_001("INI:LPWAVEINCAPS=|%s|.\r\n", (LPWAVEINC…

3d: windows-make: Reading the device of Microphone.

Recognision of Microphone is well.We can use the windows-api by use of mingw. --- Tue Jan 04 14:50:10 202 INI:LPWAVEINCAPS=||. Tue Jan 04 14:50:10 202 waveInGetNumDevs() return 0. Tue Jan 04 14:50:10 202 waveInGetDevCaps( 0, (LPWAVEINCAPS)…