Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

WindowsAPI: windows-make: very usefull and memorization featured:

Compiler means changing source code to binary.

On windows:

extern char* dummy_allocation;
extern char** dummy_ary;
extern int dummy_ary_index;

char* dummy_allocation = nullptr;
char** dummy_ary = nullptr;
int dummy_ary_index = 0;

 the above is usage but only on mingw which is one of compilers.

And it doesn't allow the below and On Linux gcc does it:


char* dummy_allocation = nullptr;
char** dummy_ary = nullptr;
int dummy_ary_index = 0;


extern char* dummy_allocation;
extern char** dummy_ary;
extern int dummy_ary_index;


We could only say that which is:

1.  mingw futueard not windows.

2. gcc on Linux futuread not windows.