Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: we may check free memories:

Threads starts and, we kno that place where WM_CREAT and WM _PAINT like that is.

So, we sure can check if the program releases or not.

We could stop the program if we found that.


(main-lootin: WindowsAPI: )

mainWindowProc: <- Add check if memories are free or not.


(20200214:  Print Execution)

Released and Deliver from memorizedvPoint if we can not free vPoint* memories.
So, we changed our minds, and recreate and touch memorizedvPoint, which means recycled..


curve_points : |003FB9A8|
i=  0/  5
vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037FDDD0|037FDFC8|037FDCC8|037FDDA0|vCurveCalculation::CaluculationStep STARTS.
vCurveCalculation::CaluculationStep ENDS.
p7=p( 33.295441, 11.244169, 19.104500)
p8=p( -16.192818, -11.566299, -34.698898)
curve_point=p( 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
blend=p( -55.000000, 0.000000, 50.000000)
blend_001=p( -110.000000, 0.000000, 100.000000)
point=p( -110.000000, 0.000000, 100.000000)
t=0.000000 graph=0.000000vCurveCalculation::BattleField: |037FF798|
free_point starts. |037FE1C0| dummy_vPoint_index|108|
free_point ends. |037FE1C0| dummy_vPoint_index{107}
void free_point ( vPoint* p ) {
	printf("free_point starts. |%p| dummy_vPoint_index|%d|\r\n", p, dummy_vPoint_index);

	for( int i=dummy_vPoint_index; i>=0; i-- ) {
		if ( dummy_vPoint[i] == p ) {
			// flip
			vPoint* w_p = dummy_vPoint[dummy_vPoint_index];
			dummy_vPoint[i] = dummy_vPoint[dummy_vPoint_index];
			dummy_vPoint[dummy_vPoint_index] = w_p;

	printf("free_point ends. |%p| dummy_vPoint_index{%d}\r\n", p, dummy_vPoint_index);