Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


3d: WindowsAPI: Windows-make: it Cannot free well:

20200213i: 4vLine: 0042137D 00421380p( 48.017883, 124.955292, 760.357666)p( 51.982117, 115.044708, 839.642334)vPointLinear::put_line STARTS.put_line: this->print_lines_num=4put_line: this->print_lines_num=5PointLinear::put_line ENDS.i: 5vL…

3d: WindowsAPI: windows-make: Free memorization:

In situation: (20200213)We recognized that we could not use free for free of memorisation, which means release of memories from the program.We'd better to use Sub-Lootin as wrapper. 1. Change the function-name of "free" to "aFree" in text …