Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories

3d: WindowsAPI: windows-make: Free memorization:

In situation: (20200213)
We recognized that we could not use free for free of memorisation, which means release of memories from the program.
We'd better to use Sub-Lootin as wrapper.

1. Change the function-name of "free" to "aFree" in text level.
2. Create(*1) one the function "aFree" in text level.
3. Print so that we could recognized if the free memorisation happened(*2) or not.
4. Use of the function "printf" doesn't matter in the case of 3.

Create Function in computer, How do we say that?

Something happened in computer, How do we say that?


// Replace the free in <stdlib.h> to aFree.
void aFree( vPoint* freep ) {
// Do not use free

 free_point (freep);


In situation: (20200213): improved