Waitrud Weber’s blog

things and reminders for memories


CodeAnalyzer: windows-make: html: The way you are.

We tihnk, that is an error. We are going to free |5050448| from array [2]i 0/ 2i 1/ 2001 stored_index -1/sub_aFree ends. thre is no free.void aFree ( char* str ) |004D1050| ends.int a_get_inside_003( char* key_buffer, int max_buffer, char*…

3d: windows-make: allocation blocks as float*

the execution is allocation sized 4. --- execution 001 ---|0221DE60||0221DE64||0221DE68||0221DE6C||0221DE70||0221DE74||0221DE78||0221DE7C||0221DE80||0221DE84||0221DE88||0221DE8C||0221DE90||0221DE94||0221DE98|...--- execution 001 --- * int …

3d: windows-make: The way we are.

malloc:int 4 bytes:int* 8 bytes: *(width) x (height) Lesser is well on the memory:On the picture grid, when we puls 1 as (+width) if we use the single array. willinglytranslate.blogspot.com The differnces of Creation of buffer:************…

CodeAnalyzer: html: Memorization is well.

Memorization is well:html_string: (all string)p_dummy: p|005A0FC8|:dummy_ary[1]=|<p>&|a_html->inside: p|005A10B8|:dummy_ary[2]=|p| *html_count++: increment a pointer address:(*html_count)++: increment a value: --- b_html |5902416| b_html_coun</p>…

CodeAnalyzer: windows-make: Memorization is well for the analyzer.

Allocation Step is as size like the below: 8 -> 16 -> 32 *Middle streches like 8 do not heart memorized allocation, which is high rate of success. --- execution 001 ---result:|>&|char* get_array_string_004(char* a_string, int index, int le…

CodeAnalyzer : windows-make: We create the function for the read well.

We create the function for the read a file all at once.The process is improved fast. ---> .\winmain_001.exeint main ( int argc, char** argv ) starts.int read_html_tag_002(char* filename ) starts.read_all_003 starts.read_all_003 ends.|00377…

CodeAnalyzer: html: modified: m_concat and read_all_002 are modified.

1 m_concat 10/14 modified 2 read_all_002 10/14 modified * is well like the below: char* m_concat( char *head, char *tail ) { ... nh = array_count( head ); // return -1 if head is null. nt = array_count( tail ); if ( nh < 0 ) nh = 0; if ( n…

sounds: windows-make: Microsoft LIST:

We can create LIST in a wave file. 52 49 46 46 FF FF FF FF 57 41 56 45 4C 49 53 54 FF FF FF FF 57 41 56 45:RIFFWAVELISTWAVE: LPMMCKINFO:MMCKINFO: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/mmiscapi/ns-mmiscapi-mmckinfo typ…

Sounds: windows-make: Open the wave as format.

data: thunder.wav52 49 46 46 98 80 04 00 57 41 56 45 66 6D 74 20 10 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 44 AC 00 00 88 58 01 00 02 00 10 00 64 61 74 61 74 | 80 04 00 00 | 00 B0 FF 5D FF 18 FF F2 FE F2 FE 17 FF 57 FF 9F FF DD FF 00 00 00 00 DC FF A0 FF 5B…

sounds: windows-make: Microsoft RIFF:

We can use the parameter and write the buffer in the file so that we could not use the audio file api but we use the audio format supported by microsoft because for the recoding, we use the microsoft format audio as a touch file cashed in …

sounds: windows-make: Add the part of sounds devise in a header file.

1: add a write devise open for the write of a wave file. if ((hFile = mmioOpen(".\\SAMPLE1.WAV", NULL, MMIO_WRITE)) != NULL) { // File opened successfully. MessageBox(hwndApp, "Failed to read data chunk.", NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)…

sounds: windows-make: The program is compiled well and does not open the device in source code files but does it in a header file.

*The program is compiled well and does not open the device in source code files but does it in a header file. wavewriter.cpp Sat Sep 17 15:45:43 2022 1 :#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers 2 :// Wi…

CodeAnalyzer: windows-make: Debug Message, and you could find it.

Debug:1. Put allocation and check it NULL or not for the exit of memorization error.* 1 - - - 2 main.cpp Wed Jul 06 14:39:00 2022 ...111 :int main ( int argc, char** argv ) {112 : print_socket_msg = 1;113 : err_msg_001("int main ( int argc…

3d: windows-make: Calculation of the position and Set the eye.

Calculation and Pasted and we can not fee any stress if we paste three codes blocks. 1 - - - 2 case 84: //t printf("p_evt->wParam: %d\ p_evt->lParam: %d\r\n", p_evt->wParam, p_evt->lParam); p_evt->main_mode = 29; p_evt->Keep_Keyup = p_evt-…

3d: windows-make:

On the previous compilation, the resource is going to create its execution well. * 1 https://github.com/WaitrudWeber/source_zip/blob/master/axex-20220622.zip - -

3d: windows-make: One of wave ways is an Integral.

1 en.wikipedia.org - - 2 3 4 1 - - 2 3 4 -

CodeAnalyzer: Replacement: Use the quote, we've already created it which worked well.

Replacing quote to another word is well.There is a possiblities of compilation error. // https://waitrudweber.hatenablog.com/entry/2022/05/01/120200?_ga=2.214514839.1097983736.1651373956-1099287052.1648278363 int main ( int argc, char** ar…

Replacement: For the recreation of scheme.

1 - - - type - 2 Replacement: For the recreation of scheme. - Waitrud Weber’s blog (hatenablog.com) quotes 5/1 3 3 CodeAnalyzer: Replacement: Use the quote, we've already created it which worked well. - Waitrud Weber’s blog quotes 5/2 4 * …

CodeAnalyzer: windows-make: it has between or not like "<br />".

1 - - 2 .\main.cpp Tue Apr 19 19:03:48 2022...166 :int read_html_tag(char* filename ) {167 : STRUCT_FILE structure_fp;168 : int file_end;169 : FILE* fp;170 : char* p_dummy;171 : int i;172 : int result;173 : char key_buffer[255];174 : HTMLT…

CodeAnalyzer: html: Big-endian and filesystem.

In filesystem, small number is more first writable on the memories, which means on the memories they are big-endian. 1 - - - main.cpp Fri Apr 15 16:17:34 2022 ... 77 :int main ( int argc, char** argv ) { 78 : char* char_string; 79 : char f…

CodeAnalyzer: windows-make: 100% of html can become the tree structure.

100% of html can become the tree structure.It has bruches because they depend on the information which is called "parent" not "parents". ---> .\winmain_001.exeint read_html_tag(char* filename ) starts.1 fp|1997380712|file_size:10842 fp|199…

CodeAnalyzer: Replace: check if it works well or not.

It works well but we care about near the word "ace". * > .\winmain_001.exechar* copyof ( char* str ) starts.array_count 85a_sleep_thread starts.a_sleep_thread ends.dummy_allocation_001 point|00791140|char** put_memories ( char* str ) start…

3d: windows-make: Create Scheme for no mistake by using replace function.

We'd rather love to create useful replace keywords well for our scheme before the coding in windows api and anyother languages. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *

3d: windows-make: any other tactics.

* Create Animation_Thread and validate the part of animation. * - check_invalidate check_validate - - - 1 - Animation_Thread 1. Something changed. 2. Draw 1. 3.Sleep(1000);. - 2 WM_KEYUP: main_thread - 3 4 5

3d: windows-make: WindowsAPI: Conformation and remove, which is in the same area.

Conformation and remove, which is in the same area. ValidateRect:... validates the client area within a rectangle ... https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-validaterect [in] lpRect... is NULL, the entire cli…

3d: windows-make: PPM start is better.

We are going to use buffer anyway for the sensitive work so that we could start to use simple format and start the PPM format. .\vDisplayController_002.cpp Sat Mar 26 16:01:16 2022 ... 40 :// 41 :int vDisplayController_002::write_ppm_002 (…

3d: Thinking of gravity with Bones.

The suggestion point is the below. 1: stable distance2: each gravity3: for ( i = 1; i < max -1; i+=2 )4: step speed int Display_Controller :: Approach_Bones () { double stable_distance = 10.0; double distance[2]: vPoint each_gravity[2]; vP…

Mingw: It creates switch, cases and alphabet of comment at this time only.

On the powershell, we can print the number and alphabet. Actually, anytime we can print it from the number 65 to 90. --- switch(Cursol_Number) { case 0: switch(WM_KEYUP) { case 65: // A: 0 break; case 66: // B: 0 break; case 67: // C: 0 br…

MinGW: Print as %c and line end.


On the Powershell: > .\main.execase: 0 // We could solve the print more clearly so that we could create the interface more light. int main () { int i; for ( i =0; i<10; i++ ) { printf("case: %d // %c\r\n", i, (char)i ); } } Print the word.…

3d:windows-make: Using Microphone.

I placed the kind of dll for the microphone in the program folder. - compilation execute vfwwdm32.dll -lvfw32 o (nothing) -lvfw32 o -lvfwwdm x -lvfwwdm32 x -lvfw x * The include in the source code is #include <vfw.h>. (20210112) C:\MinGW\include\</vfw.h>…